Monday, 26 March 2012

Hyperic monitoring it's own Oracle repository

Below are some screen shots of what Hyperic 4.6.5 shows in regards to monitoring Oracle 11g RDBMS running on a VM running Redhat 5.7 guest OS. The database it's monitoring is the actual repository database being used by Hyperic itself. The screen shots below show the main dashboard with the Oracle 11g resource overall status as well as viewing a DB writer process for the running instance itself.

The plugin to monitor the Oracle instance is provided as one of the 80+ plugins available with Hyperic out of the box. Once the HQ agent discovers the Oracle instance we are left with simply providing the config to a DB user which has access to all data dictionary tables. The easiest way to do that is to ensure the user you connect wih has the following granted.

grant select any dictionary to {user};

To me given I own the VM / Oracle instance so I will use the system user as the user to query the data dictionary as shown below. Once setup your good to go.

For more information on vFabric Hyperic use the link below.

Friday, 16 March 2012

Using derby style table functions to load data into SQLFire

Loading data into SQLFire can be done various ways including using Spring Batch with CSV files, Apache DDLUtils or direct JDBC connections pulling data into SQLFire. The approach below is yet another way. In this example we load the Oracle HR schema table "departments" into a SQLFire distributed system.

1. Create a java class with code that simple queries the table data and returns it as aJDBC ResultSet.

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;

import oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver;

public class DepartmentTable 

 public static String SQL = "select * from departments";
 public static ResultSet read() throws SQLException
        Connection conn = getConnection();
        Statement  stmt = conn.createStatement(); 
        ResultSet  rset = stmt.executeQuery(SQL);
        return rset;
 public static Connection getConnection() throws SQLException
     String username = "hr";
     String password = "hr";
     String thinConn = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@";
     DriverManager.registerDriver(new OracleDriver());
     Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(thinConn,username,password);
     return conn;

2. Add the JAR file with the class above as well as the Oracle JDBC jar file to the system CLASSPATH as shown below.

export CUR_DIR=`pwd`
export CLASSPATH=$CUR_DIR/lib/ojdbc6.jar:$CUR_DIR/lib/derby-funct.jar

Note: This ensures when we start our SQLFire nodes they will have the classes avaiable on the classpath

3. Start the SQLFire servers as shown below.

> sqlf server start -server-groups=MYGROUP -locators=localhost[41111] -client-bind-address=localhost -client-port=1528 -dir=server1 -classpath=$CLASSPATH &

> sqlf server start -server-groups=MYGROUP -locators=localhost[41111] -client-bind-address=localhost -client-port=1529 -dir=server2 -classpath=$CLASSPATH &

4. Log into the distributed system using the CLI and run the SQL as follows to create the table in SQLFire which will store the same dataset from the Oracle "departments" table.
create diskstore STORE1;
call sys.set_eviction_heap_percentage_sg (85, 'MYGROUP');

drop table departments;

create table departments
(department_id int NOT NULL CONSTRAINT department_id_PK PRIMARY KEY,
 department_name varchar(40),
 manager_id int,
 location_id int)
partition by column (department_id)
persistent 'STORE1'

5. Log into the distributed system using the CLI and run the SQL below to create a function
CREATE FUNCTION externalDepartments

6. Log into the distributed system using the CLI and run the SQL below to insert data into the "departments" table in SQLFire using the function we created at #5.
insert into departments
select s.*
FROM TABLE (externalDepartments()) s;

7. Verify we now have our departments table in SQLFire with data.
[Fri Mar 16 08:55:40 papicella@:~/sqlfire/vFabric_SQLFire_101/pasdemos/oraclehr ] $ sqlf
sqlf version 10.4
sqlf> connect client 'localhost:1527';
sqlf> select * from departments;
230        |IT Helpdesk                             |NULL       |1700       
120        |Treasury                                |NULL       |1700       
10         |Administration                          |200        |1700       
240        |Government Sales                        |NULL       |1700       
130        |Corporate Tax                           |NULL       |1700       
20         |Marketing                               |201        |1800       
250        |Retail Sales                            |NULL       |1700       
140        |Control And Credit                      |NULL       |1700       
30         |Purchasing                              |114        |1700       
260        |Recruiting                              |NULL       |1700       
150        |Shareholder Services                    |NULL       |1700       
40         |Human Resources                         |203        |2400       
270        |Payroll                                 |NULL       |1700       
160        |Benefits                                |NULL       |1700       
50         |Shipping                                |121        |1500       
170        |Manufacturing                           |NULL       |1700       
60         |IT                                      |103        |1400       
180        |Construction                            |NULL       |1700       
70         |Public Relations                        |204        |2700       
190        |Contracting                             |NULL       |1700       
80         |Sales                                   |145        |2500       
200        |Operations                              |NULL       |1700       
90         |Executive                               |100        |1700       
210        |IT Support                              |NULL       |1700       
100        |Finance                                 |108        |1700       
220        |NOC                                     |NULL       |1700       
110        |Accounting                              |205        |1700       

27 rows selected 

More info on derby-style functions can be found here.

Monday, 12 March 2012

vFabric hyperic application monitoring

vFabric Hyperic, a stand-alone component of vFabric Application Performance Manager, helps web operations teams monitor the application infrastructure for custom web applications across physical machines, a virtual infrastructure environment, or the cloud. By providing immediate notification of application performance degradation or unavailability, Hyperic enables system administrators ensure availability and reliability of critical business applications. With out-of-the-box monitoring of application metrics, app servers, web servers, databases, messaging servers, authentication systems, guest operating systems, virtual machines (VMs), vSphere ESX hosts, and more, you'll have single-pane visibility into your entire application stack regardless of where it is deployed.

Below are some screen shots showing the main dashboard page of hyperic along with it's integration into vSphere.