Monday, 30 August 2021

Using the Elastic Snyk module to visualize Snyk imported project data with Elastic Kibana

Snyk is an open source security platform designed to help software-driven businesses enhance developer security

Elastic (ELK) stack is a distributed, RESTful search and analytics engine capable of addressing a growing number of use cases. 

In this blog we will use Elastic to visualize our vulnerability data from Snyk using the Elastic Snyk Module

This module is used for ingesting data from the different Snyk API Endpoints. Currently supports these filesets:
  • vulnerabilities fileset: Collects all found vulnerabilities for the related organizations and projects
  • audit fileset: Collects audit logging from Snyk, this can be actions like users, permissions, groups, api access and more.
When you run the module, it performs a few tasks under the hood:
  • Sets the default paths to the log files (but don’t worry, you can override the defaults)
  • Makes sure each multiline log event gets sent as a single event
  • Uses ingest node to parse and process the log lines, shaping the data into a structure suitable for visualizing in Kibana

Here is how to get started with this currently BETA module


1. First you will need an account on Snyk App and have imported a few projects so you have some vulnerability data to get started with. Here is an example of some imported projects which already exist in my Snyk App Account.

2. You will need an Elastic Cluster best way to get one of those if you don't have one is to head to the Elastic Cloud Service for a free trial

3. Next we need to install Elastic Filebeat. The quick start guide here is the best way to do that

Couple of things here

  • You need to run this command to enable the snyk module as shown below. In this example the module is already enabled so the output would differ the first time you run this.

$ ./filebeat modules enable snyk
Module snyk is already enabled

  • Make sure you have configured connectivity to your Elastic Cluster as per the doc above. The example below is for the Elastic Cloud Service itself. "staging:dXMtZWFzdC0xLmF3cy5mb3VuZC5pbyRjZWM2ZjI2MWE3NGJmMjRjZTMzYmI4ODExYjg0Mjk0ZiRjNmMyY2E2ZDA0MjI0OWFmMGNjN2Q3YTllOTYyNTc0Mw=="
cloud.auth: "filebeat_setup:YOUR_PASSWORD"

4. With Elastic Filebeat installed and configured now we can setup the Snyk module to do that we perform the following.

Edit "./modules.d/snyk.yml

The following link shows how to configure the snyk.yml file and what settings are available

Example Config to get started with: 

- module: snyk
    enabled: true
    var.input: httpjson
    var.audit_type: organization
    var.audit_id: SNYK_ORG_ID
    var.interval: 1h
    var.api_token: SNYK_API_TOKEN
    var.first_interval: 30d

    enabled: true
    var.interval: 1h
    var.first_interval: 30d
    var.api_token: SNYK_API_TOKEN
      - SNYK_ORG_ID_1
      - SNYK_ORG_ID_2

Note: In this example we are obtaining data from 2 organizations

You obtain your ORG_ID's and SNYK_TOKEN_ID from Snyk App as shown below

Account Settings -> General

Settings -> General -> Organization ID (For each orgnization you wish to use)

5. At this point we can start Elastic Filebeat as shown below.

$ ./filebeat -e
2021-08-30T14:23:48.034+1000 INFO [esclientleg] eslegclient/connection.go:273 Attempting to connect to Elasticsearch version 7.14.0
2021-08-30T14:23:48.163+1000 INFO cfgfile/reload.go:224 Loading of config files completed.
2021-08-30T14:23:48.163+1000 INFO [input.httpjson-cursor] compat/compat.go:111 Input httpjson-cursor starting {"id": "BC01B4DEC1514B32"}
2021-08-30T14:23:48.163+1000 INFO [input.httpjson-cursor] compat/compat.go:111 Input httpjson-cursor starting {"id": "303DFE9AECEEEF55"}
2021-08-30T14:23:48.164+1000 INFO [input.httpjson-cursor] v2/input.go:112 Process another repeated request. {"id": "303DFE9AECEEEF55", "input_source": "", "input_url": ""}
2021-08-30T14:23:48.164+1000 INFO [input.httpjson-cursor] v2/input.go:112 Process another repeated request. {"id": "BC01B4DEC1514B32", "input_source": "", "input_url": ""}
2021-08-30T14:23:49.656+1000 INFO [input.httpjson-cursor] v2/request.go:210 request finished: 0 events published {"id": "BC01B4DEC1514B32", "input_source": "", "input_url": ""}


6. If we head to Kibana and go into the "Discover" Page we will see data flowing into the cluster by setting "event.module = snyk" on the "filebeat-*" index pattern as shown below.

Or maybe we want to use Dev Tools itself

7. Finally a Dashboard of some graphs as we monitor the "Snyk Data" coming into the cluster 

Next Steps?

Kibana gives you the freedom to select the way you give shape to your data. With its interactive visualizations, start with one question and see where it leads you!!!. If it was me I would go straight to Kibana Lens. Kibana Lens is an easy-to-use, intuitive UI that simplifies the process of data visualization through a drag-and-drop experience it allowed me to create the dashboard page above in under 3 minutes even without knowing where to start.

Want all your vulnerability data form the Snyk Platform within your Elastic Stack the "Elastic Snyk Module" will do that for you in a few easy steps.

More Information


Elastic Snyk Module

Friday, 27 August 2021

Friday, 20 August 2021

Taking Snyk Code for Test Drive

Snyk Code is our newest addition to the Snyk platform. Snyk Code uses a revolutionary approach designed to be developer-first. Conventional Static Application Security Testing (SAST) tools are limited by lengthy scans times and poor accuracy, returning too many false positives, and eroding developer trust. Snyk Code makes developer efforts efficient and actionable.

In this short blog post let's take it for a test drive on a large Java Project.


1. You will need an account on Snyk App sign up for free at

2. Once you have an account and are logged in go ahead and enable "Snyk Code" as follows

3. Clone the following GitHub repo as follows.

$ git clone
Cloning into 'CWE-Juliet-TestSuite-Java'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 12964, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (12964/12964), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (969/969), done.
remote: Total 12964 (delta 11931), reused 12964 (delta 11931), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (12964/12964), 6.44 MiB | 6.04 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (11931/11931), done.
Updating files: 100% (13095/13095), done.

4. Authenticate with "Snyk CLI" as shown below

Note: The following link will get the CLI installed for you

$ snyk auth

5. Let's check the number of lines of code we scanning as follows. Here we are making sure we only scan Java Source files as that's all that exists in this repo in any case. Snyk Code supports other programming languages as well like Python, JavaScript etc.

$ cd CWE-Juliet-TestSuite-Java
$ find ./Java/src -name "*.java" -type f -exec wc -l {} \; | awk '{total += $1} END{print total}'

So we have close 2.5 million lines of code here of course that counts lines of empty space such as carriage returns BUT still that's lots of code to scan.

6. Run your "Snyk Code" Test as follows to see two things , how long the scan took and the number of results returned. From this we can see the scan and results took less then 2 minutes!

$ time snyk code test ./Java/src


 ✗ [High] SQL Injection
     Path: testcases/CWE89_SQL_Injection/s02/, line 42
     Info: Unsanitized input from cookies flows into execute, where it is used in an SQL query. This may result in an SQL Injection vulnerability.

 ✗ [High] SQL Injection
     Path: testcases/CWE89_SQL_Injection/s02/, line 62
     Info: Unsanitized input from cookies flows into execute, where it is used in an SQL query. This may result in an SQL Injection vulnerability.

 ✗ [High] SQL Injection
     Path: testcases/CWE89_SQL_Injection/s02/, line 62
     Info: Unsanitized input from cookies flows into execute, where it is used in an SQL query. This may result in an SQL Injection vulnerability.

✔ Test completed

Organization:      undefined
Test type:         Static code analysis
Project path:      ./Java/src

3086 Code issues found
1491 [High]  1595 [Medium]

real 1m4.269s
user 0m45.630s
sys 0m7.182s

The following post shows some comparison data against other SAST engines and code repositories.

More Information

Snyk Code

Snyk Code is now available for free