Monday, 1 November 2021

Using harness CI to run a series of Snyk Tests

 When DevOps emerged more than 10 years ago, the main focus was to bridge the gaps between Dev and Ops teams by introducing automation to the processes of building, testing and deployment of applications.

As development teams continue to deliver more rapidly and more frequently, security teams are finding it difficult to keep up and often end up being the bottleneck in the delivery pipeline. For this reason, bringing security early into the DevOps process from the outset – in other words, embracing a DevSecOps culture within a business – has become increasingly important.

Applications have changed as cloud-native technologies like Containers, Kubernetes, and the use of Infrastructure as Code technologies like Terraform, Cloudformation, ARM templates are now the norm. These elements are now built and customized by developers and live in their Source Code Management repositories.

In this demo below I show you how Harness CI along with Snyk can help setup a DevSecOps Pipeline well before we even think about deployment.


Note: We are using the public GitHub repo below

1. First we need to identify our user token within Snyk. For enterprise customers you can setup service accounts and retrieve a token which we will require later. For non enterprise Snyk accounts you can just use the main User Token. Both methods of how to obtain this are defined below.

Service Accounts

For those without access to service accounts you can obtain your Snyk user Token as follows

2. In harness let's define a few secrets one being our Snyk Token we retrieved in step 1, also my GitHub token

3. Our builds need to run somewhere in this example we are using a connector to our K8s cluster which is defined at the "Organization" level within Harness

4. Our first execution step is simply going to package the application. Our Spring Boot application is using maven and has a single pom.xml file. Notice below that we have to use a Docker connector for a "Build-> Run" step , here I am using an account level Docker connector

5. Now we can run our first Snyk Test. In this simple example we don't fail the build at all and ensure we pass a SUCCESS exit code for our Snyk Open Source test which will pick up the one and only pom.xml file in the repo. I am also using Snyk Docker image that includes the Snyk CLI and Maven to perform this test.

6. So jumping right ahead let's quickly take a look at our other 3 tests.

Snyk Code Test

Snyk IaC test

Snyk Container Test

In all these Snyk Tests we ensure nothing fails instead we just report on vulnerabilities. WE could also set our severity threshold as part of our tests as shown below.


7. In order to run the container test we had to build our container image which was done using a "Build and push image to Dockerhub" step as shown below

8. Now after running a few builds our Overview page on Harness UI nicely summarises what has passed versus what has failed for us.

9. Finally we can view each build as follows

Sample Images

Overview Page

Infrastructure Page - Here we define where are harness delegate running in a K8s cluster which is just one of the options here when it comes to a worker node for the pipeline steps we run

Execution Page - here we define four seperate tests.

  • Snyk Open Source Test
  • Snyk Code Test
  • Snyk IaC Test
  • Snyk Container Test

Pipeline Result Page

For those that wish to see the whole pipeline YAML here it is below:

pipeline: name: employee-api-pipeline identifier: employeeapipipeline projectIdentifier: Springboot_Employee_API orgIdentifier: default tags: {} properties: ci: codebase: connectorRef: pasgithub repoName: springbootemployee-api build: <+input> stages: - stage: name: build employee api identifier: build_employee_api description: "" type: CI spec: cloneCodebase: true infrastructure: type: KubernetesDirect spec: connectorRef: org.GKE namespace: harness-builds execution: steps: - step: type: Run name: Package Application identifier: Package_Application spec: connectorRef: account.harnessImage image: maven:3.8.3-openjdk-11-slim command: mvn -DskipTests -Dsnyk.skip package privileged: false - step: type: Run name: snyk test identifier: snyk_test spec: connectorRef: account.harnessImage image: snyk/snyk-cli:1.745.0-maven-3.5.4 command: |- SNYK_TOKEN=<+secrets.getValue("SNYK_TOKEN")> snyk config set api=$SNYK_TOKEN snyk test || true privileged: false failureStrategies: [] - step: type: Run name: snyk code test identifier: snyk_code_test spec: connectorRef: account.harnessImage image: snyk/snyk-cli:1.745.0-maven-3.5.4 command: |- SNYK_TOKEN=<+secrets.getValue("SNYK_TOKEN")> snyk config set api=$SNYK_TOKEN snyk code test || true privileged: false when: stageStatus: Success failureStrategies: [] - step: type: Run name: snyk IaC test identifier: snyk_IaC_test spec: connectorRef: account.harnessImage image: snyk/snyk-cli:1.745.0-maven-3.5.4 command: |- SNYK_TOKEN=<+secrets.getValue("SNYK_TOKEN")> snyk config set api=$SNYK_TOKEN snyk iac test ./employee-K8s.yaml || true privileged: false when: stageStatus: Success failureStrategies: [] - step: type: BuildAndPushDockerRegistry name: Build Container identifier: Build_Container spec: connectorRef: pasdockerhub repo: pasapples/springbootemployee tags: - harness dockerfile: Dockerfile.harness optimize: true - step: type: Run name: snyk container test identifier: snyk_container_test spec: connectorRef: pasdockerhub image: snyk/snyk-cli:1.745.0-maven-3.5.4 command: |- SNYK_TOKEN=<+secrets.getValue("SNYK_TOKEN")> snyk config set api=$SNYK_TOKEN snyk container test pasapples/springbootemployee:harness || true privileged: false resources: limits: memory: 2048Mi variables: []

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