In the example below we show how we can monitor this new Active GridLink Data Source from a JRuby script to get runtime information as the Data Source is in use from the MBean. In this example we are assuming our Data Source has a name "jdbc/gridlinkDS" which was created in the console of WebLogic itself.
1. Determine the remote connection URL to connect to WebLogic 10.3.4. The URL will be something as follows which shows are are connecting to the runtime MBean server of the managed server itself. In short this will be where you have targeted your GridLink Data Source to, it's not the ADMIN SERVER it's the managed server itself.
2. At this point it's worth connecting using JConsole remotely to the WebLogic server using the URL above as this will help you see how the MBeans are structured and what you then need to alter the JRuby script with. Start jconsole ensuring your using wlfullclient.jar in the classpath from $WLS_HOME/server/lib directory.
Windows Example: (Connecting to a remote linux x86 server)
> jconsole -J-Djava.class.path=C:\jdev\weblogic-client\1034\wlfullclient.jar;C:\jdev\jdk\jdk1.6.0_21\lib\jconsole.jar
3. Connect using the service url from #1 above and with your username/password for the managed server where the GridLink Data Source is targeted for.
4. Click on the "MBeans" tab
5. At this point we want to determine what the MBean for the GridLink Data Source is but also what the MBean names are for the instances within the RAC cluster. To do that click on "com.bea" using the + symbol to expand the tree.
6. Scroll down and locate your GridLink Data Source in this case it's "jdbc/gridlinkDS" , use the + symbol to expand the tree
7. Click on the + symbol next to "JDBCOracleDataSourceRuntime"
8. Now actually click on "JDBCOracleDataSourceRuntime" to reveal the MBean name for the actual GidLink Data Source. Make a note of it which is displayed in the field "Object Name" in the right hand side of the dialog.
9. Select the "Attributes" node in the tree to view the GridLink Data Source runtime attributes.
10. Double click on the "Instances" Value field to reveal the MBean names for the individual instances within your cluster. Make a note of them as we will need them shortly. For my example there as follows.
11. Create a test client as follows
require 'java' require 'rubygems' require 'jmx4r' require 'C:/jdev/weblogic-client/1034/wlfullclient.jar' java_import '' java_import java.lang.System class MonitorGridLinkDataSource def initialize(user, passwd, url) System.setProperty("jmx.remote.protocol.provider.pkgs", "") @user, @passwd, @url = user, passwd, url @conn = JMX::MBean.establish_connection :url => @url, :username => @user, :password => @passwd end # add getters and setters for all attrributes we wish to expose attr_reader :user, :passwd, :url, :conn def display_array (value) data = "" value.each do |x| data += "\n\t" + x.to_s end return data end def display_attribute_data(conn, object_name, attribute) s = conn.get_attribute object_name, attribute search_str = s.to_s if (/^\[Ljava.lang.String/.match(search_str)) or (/^\[I/.match(search_str)) or (/^\[ # we have a array with data return display_array s else return search_str end end def to_s "MonitorGridLinkDataSource [user=#{@user}, passwd=#{@passwd}, " + "url=#{@url}]" end def run(parent_ds_runtime_mbean_name, child_ds_instances) mbean = JMX::MBean.find_by_name parent_ds_runtime_mbean_name object_name = parent_ds_runtime_mbean_name # # Display main JDBC grindlink Data Source MBean info # printf "\n** JDBC GridLink Data Source mbean \"jdbc/gridlinkDS\" ** \n\n" # display attributes key/values mbean.attributes.each do |key, value| puts "Name: #{value}, Value: #{display_attribute_data conn, object_name, value}\n" end # # Now display info about each RAC instances within the gridlink DS # # Note: there will be as many instances as your RAC cluster contains here, in my case # just a 2 node RAC cluster here child_ds_instances.each {|mbean_name| ds1_mbean = JMX::MBean.find_by_name mbean_name object_name1 = mbean_name printf "\n** Instance MBean \n\t[#{mbean_name}] \n\n" ds1_mbean.attributes.each do |key, value| puts "Name: #{value}, Value: #{display_attribute_data conn, object_name1, value}\n" end } end end print "Run at ", , "\n" #Connection details to MBeanServer within Weblogic 10.3.4 url = "service:jmx:iiop://" username = "weblogic" password = "welcome1" # parent GridLink Data Source MBean name parent_ds_runtime_mbean_name = "com.bea:ServerRuntime=apple,Name=jdbc/gridlinkDS,Type=JDBCOracleDataSourceRuntime" # child instance MBean array, add for each instance in the RAC cluster child_ds_instances = ["com.bea:ServerRuntime=apple,Name=A11,Type=JDBCOracleDataSourceInstanceRuntime,JDBCOracleDataSourceRuntime=jdbc/gridlinkDS", "com.bea:ServerRuntime=apple,Name=A12,Type=JDBCOracleDataSourceInstanceRuntime,JDBCOracleDataSourceRuntime=jdbc/gridlinkDS"] begin mon_grid_link_ds = username, password, url puts mon_grid_link_ds while (true) parent_ds_runtime_mbean_name, child_ds_instances # sleep for 20 seconds puts "\nSleeping for 20 seconds....\n" sleep 20 end rescue print "\n** Error occured **\n" print "Failed executing GridLink Data Source Monitoring from JRuby ", $!, "\n" end print "\nEnded at ", , "\n"
12. Edit the following lines as per the information we collected above.
require 'C:/jdev/weblogic-client/1034/wlfullclient.jar'
#Connection details to MBeanServer within Weblogic 10.3.4
url = "service:jmx:iiop://"
username = "weblogic"
password = "welcome1"
# parent GridLink Data Source MBean name
parent_ds_runtime_mbean_name =
# child instance MBean array, add for each instance in the RAC cluster
child_ds_instances =
Note: We previously installed "jmx4r" ruby gem to allow us to use JMX API to communicate with the WebLogic server as follows
> jruby -S gem install jmx4r
13. Run the JRuby script as follows it will continually run sleeping every 20 seconds to display runtime information regarding your GridLink Data Source. To end it simply use CNRL-C to stop it running.
> jruby gridlink-monitor.rb
Run at Thu Feb 17 21:55:32 +1100 2011
MonitorGridLinkDataSource [user=weblogic, passwd=welcome1, url=service:jmx:iiop://
** JDBC GridLink Data Source mbean "jdbc/gridlinkDS" **
Name: ActiveConnectionsCurrentCount, Value: 0
Name: WaitingForConnectionFailureTotal, Value: 0
Name: Instances, Value:
Name: FailedRCLBBasedBorrowCount, Value: 0
Name: WaitingForConnectionTotal, Value: 0
Name: ConnectionsTotalCount, Value: 28
Name: SuccessfulRCLBBasedBorrowCount, Value: 0
Name: DriverVersion, Value:
Name: WaitingForConnectionCurrentCount, Value: 0
Name: LeakedConnectionCount, Value: 0
Name: HighestNumUnavailable, Value: 20
Name: PrepStmtCacheAccessCount, Value: 0
Name: LastTask, Value:
Name: Parent, Value: com.bea:Name=apple,Type=ServerRuntime
Name: WaitSecondsHighCount, Value: 0
Name: ActiveConnectionsHighCount, Value: 20
Name: FailedAffinityBasedBorrowCount, Value: 0
Name: PrepStmtCacheHitCount, Value: 0
Name: ActiveConnectionsAverageCount, Value: 0
Name: VersionJDBCDriver, Value: oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver
Name: DatabaseProductVersion, Value: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, Real Application Clusters, Automatic Storage Management, OLAP,
Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
Name: SuccessfulAffinityBasedBorrowCount, Value: 0
Name: PrepStmtCacheDeleteCount, Value: 0
Name: ReserveRequestCount, Value: 36
Name: FailuresToReconnectCount, Value: 0
Name: WaitingForConnectionHighCount, Value: 0
Name: PrepStmtCacheMissCount, Value: 0
Name: Enabled, Value: true
Name: FailedReserveRequestCount, Value: 0
Name: Type, Value: JDBCOracleDataSourceRuntime
Name: HighestNumAvailable, Value: 20
Name: WorkManagerRuntimes, Value:
Name: DatabaseProductName, Value: Oracle
Name: ONSClientRuntime, Value: com.bea:ServerRuntime=apple,Name=jdbc/gridlinkDS,Type=ONSClientRuntime,JDBCOracleDataSourceRuntime=jdbc/gridl
Name: Properties, Value: {user=scott}
Name: CurrCapacityHighCount, Value: 20
Name: PrepStmtCacheCurrentSize, Value: 0
Name: ServiceName, Value:
Name: JDBCDriverRuntime, Value:
Name: WaitingForConnectionSuccessTotal, Value: 0
Name: NumUnavailable, Value: 0
Name: PrepStmtCacheAddCount, Value: 0
Name: DriverName, Value: Oracle JDBC driver
Name: NumAvailable, Value: 20
Name: ModuleId, Value: jdbc/gridlinkDS
Name: Name, Value: jdbc/gridlinkDS
Name: State, Value: Running
Name: ConnectionDelayTime, Value: 133
Name: DeploymentState, Value: 2
Name: CurrCapacity, Value: 20
** Instance MBean
Name: Parent, Value: com.bea:ServerRuntime=apple,Name=jdbc/gridlinkDS,Type=JDBCOracleDataSourceRuntime
Name: Enabled, Value: true
Name: ActiveConnectionsCurrentCount, Value: 0
Name: Type, Value: JDBCOracleDataSourceInstanceRuntime
Name: NumAvailable, Value: 10
Name: Signature, Value: instance=A11,service=pas_srv,database=A1,host=auw2k3
Name: CurrentWeight, Value: 1
Name: Name, Value: A11
Name: ConnectionsTotalCount, Value: 14
Name: ReserveRequestCount, Value: 19
Name: State, Value: Enabled
Name: NumUnavailable, Value: 0
Name: CurrCapacity, Value: 10
Name: InstanceName, Value: A11
** Instance MBean
Name: Parent, Value: com.bea:ServerRuntime=apple,Name=jdbc/gridlinkDS,Type=JDBCOracleDataSourceRuntime
Name: Enabled, Value: true
Name: ActiveConnectionsCurrentCount, Value: 0
Name: Type, Value: JDBCOracleDataSourceInstanceRuntime
Name: NumAvailable, Value: 10
Name: Signature, Value: instance=A12,service=pas_srv,database=A1,host=auw2k4
Name: CurrentWeight, Value: 1
Name: Name, Value: A12
Name: ConnectionsTotalCount, Value: 14
Name: ReserveRequestCount, Value: 17
Name: State, Value: Enabled
Name: NumUnavailable, Value: 0
Name: CurrCapacity, Value: 10
Name: InstanceName, Value: A12
Sleeping for 20 seconds....