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Friday, 27 June 2014

Pivotal Cloud Foundry Installed lets create an ORG / USER to get started

I installed Pivotal Cloud Foundry 1.2 recently and the commands below is what I run using the CLI to quickly create an ORG and a USER to get started with. Below assumes your connected as the ADMIN user to set a new ORG up.

Cloud Foundry CLI Commands as follows

cf api {cloud end point}
cf create-org pivotal
cf create-user pas pas
cf set-org-role pas pivotal OrgManager
cf target -o pivotal
cf create-space development
cf create-space test
cf create-space production
cf set-space-role pas pivotal production SpaceDeveloper
cf set-space-role pas pivotal development SpaceDeveloper
cf set-space-role pas pivotal test SpaceDeveloper
cf login -u pas -p pas -s development