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Friday, 20 November 2015

IBM Bluemix Secure Gateway Service with Oracle

I previously blogged about using the IBM Bluemix Secure Gateway Service as follows

I decided I would extend on this and Connect a Spring Boot Application to Oracle and consume Oracle data using the Secure Gateway Service.

The full demo is as follows

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

IBM Bluemix Secure Gateway Service Step by Step Demo

I created this simple step by step guide on how to use the IBM Secure Gateway Service. Very simple demo which shows how easy it is to set this up and open a world of possibilities from on premise resources directly exposed via Bluemix whether it's PUBLIC or Dedicated/LOcal Instances

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

IBM Bluemix Admin Console Command Line (CLI) Installation

The IBM Bluemix Dedicated/Local Administration Console also includes support for CLI to enable common management tasks to be performed using the Cloud Foundry Command Line by adding a plugin to enable support for it's commands.

Note: The Bluemix Admin CLI plugin requires version 6.11.2 or later.

Admin Console UI

Admin Console - Installing Command Line

The CLI to the admin console is installed as follows. The reference to this is found in your own Dedicated/Local install via a link as follows with "cli" appended to the Admin Console URL

pro:~$ cf add-plugin-repo BluemixAdmin

OK added as 'BluemixAdmin'

pasapicella@pas-macbook-pro:~$ cf install-plugin bluemix-admin-cli -r BluemixAdmin
Looking up 'bluemix-admin-cli' from repository 'BluemixAdmin'
8889440 bytes downloaded...
Installing plugin /var/folders/rj/5r89y5nd6pd4c9hwkbvdp_1w0000gn/T/bluemix-admin...
Plugin BluemixAdminCLI v0.0.1 successfully installed.
pasapicella@pas-macbook-pro:~$ cf plugins
Listing Installed Plugins...


Finally target admin API endpoint:

pasapicella@pas-macbook-pro:~$ cf baa
The API endpoint has been updated to ''

At this point you can now run Admin Console commands as follows. To get help issue "cf {command} --help"
The current supported commands are as follows:
bluemix-admin-api, baa                              
bluemix-admin-add-user, baau                        
bluemix-admin-remove-user, baru                     
bluemix-admin-set-organization, baso                
bluemix-admin-unset-organization, bauo              
bluemix-admin-set-quota, basq                       
bluemix-admin-add-report, baar                      
bluemix-admin-delete-report, badr                   
bluemix-admin-retrieve-report, barr                 
bluemix-admin-enable-service-plan, baesp            
bluemix-admin-disable-service-plan, badsp           
bluemix-admin-add-service-plan-visibility, baaspv   
bluemix-admin-remove-service-plan-visibility, barspv
bluemix-admin-edit-service-plan-visibilites, baespv 
bluemix-admin-set-region-access, basra              
bluemix-admin-create-organization, baco             
bluemix-admin-delete-organization, bado 

Monday, 9 November 2015

Spring Security Demo with a Bootstrap Look and Feel

I decided to take the Spring Security demo at the following link , and add Bootstrap to it. In the end it's basically the same code and the Form Based Login will accept one user "pas/welcome1".

Here is the updated demo with Bootstrap added to the UI pages. You can deploy this to Bluemix using the "Deploy to Bluemix" directly from GitHub and it will as you to Sing into IBM devOps prior to deploying it directly into your Bluemix Environment.