to make a request to an app instance. To demonstrate how we can write a Spring Boot application which simply outputs the current CF app index so we are sure we are hitting the right application container.Simplest way to do that is to define a RestController using Spring Boot as follows which then enables us to get the current application index and verify we are hitting the right container instance.
package com.example.pas; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController; @RestController public class DemoRest { private final String ip; private final String index; @Autowired public DemoRest (@Value("${CF_INSTANCE_IP:}") String ip, @Value("${CF_INSTANCE_INDEX:0}") String index) { this.ip = ip; this.index = index; } @RequestMapping("/") public InstanceDetail getAppDetails() { InstanceDetail instanceDetail = new InstanceDetail(ip, index); return instanceDetail; } }
So with the application deployed as see we have 3 instances as follows
pasapicella@pas-macbook:~$ cf app pas-pcf-routingdemo
Showing health and status for app pas-pcf-routingdemo in org pivot-papicella / space dotnet as papicella@pivotal.io...
name: pas-pcf-routingdemo
requested state: started
instances: 3/3
isolation segment: main
usage: 756M x 3 instances
routes: pas-pcf-routingdemo-incidental-curia.pcfbeta.io
last uploaded: Thu 18 Jan 20:41:26 AEDT 2018
stack: cflinuxfs2
buildpack: client-certificate-mapper=1.4.0_RELEASE container-security-provider=1.11.0_RELEASE java-buildpack=v4.7.1-offline-https://github.com/cloudfoundry/java-buildpack.git#6a3361a
java-main java-opts java-security jvmkill-agent=1... (no decorators apply)
state since cpu memory disk details
#0 running 2018-01-18T09:44:07Z 0.4% 224.8M of 756M 137.5M of 1G
#1 running 2018-01-18T09:44:13Z 0.8% 205M of 756M 137.5M of 1G
#2 running 2018-01-18T09:44:06Z 0.7% 221.1M of 756M 137.5M of 1G
Now lets simply access our application a few times using the "/" end point and verify we are accessing different application containers via round robin routing as per GoRouter
pasapicella@pas-macbook:~$ http https://pas-pcf-routingdemo-incidental-curia.pcfbeta.io/
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 34
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2018 09:58:10 GMT
Set-Cookie: dtCookie=6$B570EBB532CD9D8DAA2BCAE14C4277FC|RUM+Default+Application|1; Domain=pcfbeta.io; Path=/
X-Vcap-Request-Id: 336ba633-685b-4235-467d-b9833a9e6435
"index": "2",
"ip": ""
pasapicella@pas-macbook:~$ http https://pas-pcf-routingdemo-incidental-curia.pcfbeta.io/
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 34
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2018 09:58:15 GMT
Set-Cookie: dtCookie=5$3389B3DFBAD936D68CBAF30657653465|RUM+Default+Application|1; Domain=pcfbeta.io; Path=/
X-Vcap-Request-Id: aa74e093-9031-4df5-73a5-bc9f1741a942
"index": "1",
"ip": ""
Now we can request access to just the container with application index "1" as follows
1. First get the Application GUID as shown below
pasapicella@pas-macbook:~$ cf app pas-pcf-routingdemo --guid
2. Now lets invoke a call to the application and set the HEADER required to instruct GoRouter to target a specific application index
Example below is using HTTPie
Accessing Instance 1
pasapicella@pas-macbook:~$ http https://pas-pcf-routingdemo-incidental-curia.pcfbeta.io/ "X-CF-APP-INSTANCE":"5bdf2f08-34a5-402f-b7cb-f29c81d171e0:1"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 34
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2018 10:20:31 GMT
Set-Cookie: dtCookie=5$FD08A5C88469AF379C8AD3F36FA7984B|RUM+Default+Application|1; Domain=pcfbeta.io; Path=/
X-Vcap-Request-Id: cb19b960-713a-49d0-4529-a0766a8880a7
"index": "1",
"ip": ""
Accessing Instance 2
pasapicella@pas-macbook:~$ http https://pas-pcf-routingdemo-incidental-curia.pcfbeta.io/ "X-CF-APP-INSTANCE":"5bdf2f08-34a5-402f-b7cb-f29c81d171e0:2"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 34
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2018 10:21:09 GMT
Set-Cookie: dtCookie=7$53957A744D473BB024EB1FF4F0CD60A9|RUM+Default+Application|1; Domain=pcfbeta.io; Path=/
X-Vcap-Request-Id: 33cc7922-9b43-4182-5c36-13eee42a9919
"index": "2",
"ip": ""
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