1. SSH into Ops Manager VM
pasapicella@pas-macbook:~/pivotal/PCF/APJ/PEZ-HaaS/haas-165$ ssh ubuntu@opsmgr.haas-165.mydns.com
Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. All access and activity
is subject to logging and monitoring.
ubuntu@opsmgr.haas-165.mydns.com's password:
Welcome to Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-124-generic x86_64)
* Documentation: https://help.ubuntu.com/
At this point you will need to log into the Bosh Director as described below
2. Issue a command as follows once logged in to get all VM's. We just need a name of one of the Diego CELL VM's
ubuntu@bosh-stemcell:~$ bosh -e vmware vms --column=Instance --column="Process State"
Using environment '' as user 'director' (bosh.*.read, openid, bosh.*.admin, bosh.read, bosh.admin)
Task 12086
Task 12087
Task 12086 done
Task 12087 done
Deployment 'cf-edc48fe108f1e5581fba'
Instance Process State
backup-prepare/eff97a4b-15a2-425c-8333-1dbaaefbb5ff running
clock_global/d77c485f-7d7c-43ae-b9de-584411ffa0bd running
cloud_controller/874dd06c-b76e-427a-943e-dea66f0345b6 running
cloud_controller/bba1819e-b7f4-4a34-897a-c78f6189667c running
cloud_controller_worker/803bfb3f-653b-4311-b831-9b76e602714e running
cloud_controller_worker/f5956edb-9510-4d99-a0f7-8545831b45ec running
consul_server/3bfdc6bd-2f1d-4607-8564-148fadd4bc3d running
consul_server/4927cc4b-4531-429b-b379-83e283b779ba running
consul_server/69c1c5ee-8288-49bd-9112-afe05fe536f4 running
diego_brain/01d3914c-2ab1-4b75-ada7-2267f34faee6 running
diego_brain/564cf558-c2dc-4045-a4d1-54f633633dd6 running
diego_brain/a22c2621-4278-4a83-94ee-34287deb9310 running
diego_cell/7ca12f7d-737f-47fb-a8bc-91d73e4791cf running
diego_cell/9452a3b4-d40c-49f1-9dbf-8d74202f7dff running
diego_cell/dfc8e214-2e59-4050-9312-1113662ce79f running
3. SSH into a Bosh managed Diego Cell VM. Use the correct name for one of your Diego Cells and your deployment name for CF itself
ubuntu@bosh-stemcell:~$ bosh -e vmware -d cf-edc48fe108f1e5581fba ssh diego_cell/7ca12f7d-737f-47fb-a8bc-91d73e4791cf
Using environment '' as user 'director' (bosh.*.read, openid, bosh.*.admin, bosh.read, bosh.admin)
Using deployment 'cf-edc48fe108f1e5581fba'
4. Run a command as follows "sudo su -"
diego_cell/7ca12f7d-737f-47fb-a8bc-91d73e4791cf:~$ sudo su -
diego_cell/7ca12f7d-737f-47fb-a8bc-91d73e4791cf:~# cfdot
A command-line tool to interact with a Cloud Foundry Diego deployment
cfdot [command]
Available Commands:
actual-lrp-groups List actual LRP groups
actual-lrp-groups-for-guid List actual LRP groups for a process guid
cancel-task Cancel task
cell Show the specified cell presence
cell-state Show the specified cell state
cell-states Show cell states for all cells
cells List registered cell presences
claim-lock Claim Locket lock
claim-presence Claim Locket presence
create-desired-lrp Create a desired LRP
create-task Create a Task
delete-desired-lrp Delete a desired LRP
delete-task Delete a Task
desired-lrp Show the specified desired LRP
desired-lrp-scheduling-infos List desired LRP scheduling infos
desired-lrps List desired LRPs
domains List domains
help Get help on [command]
locks List Locket locks
lrp-events Subscribe to BBS LRP events
presences List Locket presences
release-lock Release Locket lock
retire-actual-lrp Retire actual LRP by index and process guid
set-domain Set domain
task Display task
task-events Subscribe to BBS Task events
tasks List tasks in BBS
update-desired-lrp Update a desired LRP
-h, --help help for cfdot
Use "cfdot [command] --help" for more information about a command.
6. Lets see what each Diego CELL has for Capacity as a whole
diego_cell/7ca12f7d-737f-47fb-a8bc-91d73e4791cf:~# cfdot cells | jq -r
"cell_id": "7ca12f7d-737f-47fb-a8bc-91d73e4791cf",
"rep_address": "",
"zone": "RP01",
"capacity": {
"memory_mb": 16047,
"disk_mb": 103549,
"containers": 249
"rootfs_provider_list": [
"name": "preloaded",
"properties": [
"name": "preloaded+layer",
"properties": [
"name": "docker"
"rep_url": "https://7ca12f7d-737f-47fb-a8bc-91d73e4791cf.cell.service.cf.internal:1801"
"cell_id": "9452a3b4-d40c-49f1-9dbf-8d74202f7dff",
"rep_address": "",
"zone": "RP01",
"capacity": {
"memory_mb": 16047,
"disk_mb": 103549,
"containers": 249
"rootfs_provider_list": [
"name": "preloaded",
"properties": [
"name": "preloaded+layer",
"properties": [
"name": "docker"
"rep_url": "https://9452a3b4-d40c-49f1-9dbf-8d74202f7dff.cell.service.cf.internal:1801"
"cell_id": "dfc8e214-2e59-4050-9312-1113662ce79f",
"rep_address": "",
"zone": "RP01",
"capacity": {
"memory_mb": 16047,
"disk_mb": 103549,
"containers": 249
"rootfs_provider_list": [
"name": "preloaded",
"properties": [
"name": "preloaded+layer",
"properties": [
"name": "docker"
"rep_url": "https://dfc8e214-2e59-4050-9312-1113662ce79f.cell.service.cf.internal:1801"
7. Finally lets see what available resources we have on each Diego Cell
diego_cell/7ca12f7d-737f-47fb-a8bc-91d73e4791cf:~# cfdot cell-states | jq '"Cell Id -> \(.cell_id): L -> \(.LRPs | length), Avaliable Resources [MemoryMB] -> \(.AvailableResources.MemoryMB), Avaliable Resources [DiskMB] -> \(.AvailableResources.DiskMB), Avaliable Resources [Containers] -> \(.AvailableResources.Containers)"' -r
Cell Id -> 7ca12f7d-737f-47fb-a8bc-91d73e4791cf: L -> 17, Avaliable Resources [MemoryMB] -> 6843, Avaliable Resources [DiskMB] -> 86141, Avaliable Resources [Containers] -> 232
Cell Id -> 9452a3b4-d40c-49f1-9dbf-8d74202f7dff: L -> 14, Avaliable Resources [MemoryMB] -> 5371, Avaliable Resources [DiskMB] -> 89213, Avaliable Resources [Containers] -> 235
Cell Id -> dfc8e214-2e59-4050-9312-1113662ce79f: L -> 14, Avaliable Resources [MemoryMB] -> 4015, Avaliable Resources [DiskMB] -> 89213, Avaliable Resources [Containers] -> 235
More Information