... and from there setting up Concourse
.. of course this was created so I can now use the PCF Pipelines to deploy Pivotal Cloud Foundry's Pivotal Application Service (PAS). At a high level this is how to achieve this with some screen shots on the end result
1. To get started you would use this link as follows. In my example I was deploying PCF to AWS
AWS Install Pipeline
2. Create a versioned bucket for holding terraform state. on AWS that will look as follows
3. Unless you ensure AWS pre-reqs are meet you won't be able to install PCF so this link highlights all that you will need for installing PCF on AWS such as key pairs, limits, etc
4. Create a public DNS zone, get its zone ID we will need that when we setup the pipeline shortly. I also created a self signed public certificate used for my DNS as part of the setup which is required as well.
5. At this point we can download the PCF Pipelines from or you can use the link as follows
6. Once you have unzipped the file you would then change to the directory for the write IaaS in my case "aws"
$ cd pcf-pipelines/install-pcf/aws
7. Change all of the CHANGEME values in params.yml with real values for your AWS env. This file is documented so you are clear with what you need to add and where. Most of the values are defaults of course.
8. Login to concourse using the "fly" command line
$ fly --target pcfconcourse login --concourse-url -k
9. Add pipeline
$ fly -t pcfconcourse set-pipeline -p deploy-pcf -c pipeline.yml -l params.yml
10. Unpause pipeline
$ fly -t pcfconcourse unpause-pipeline -p deploy-pcf
pasapicella@pas-macbook:~/pivotal/aws/pcf-pipelines/pcf-pipelines/install-pcf/aws$ fly -t pcfconcourse pipelines
name paused public
deploy-pcf no no
11. The pipeline on concourse will look as follows
12. Now to execute the pipeline you have to manually run 2 tasks
- Run bootstrap-terraform-state job manually
- Run create-infrastructure manually
While running each task current state is shown as per the image below
If successful your AWS account will the PCF VM's created for example
Verify that PCF installed is best done using Pivotal Operations Manager as shown below
More Information