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Monday, 20 August 2018

PCF Platform Automation with Concourse (PCF Pipelines)

Previously I blogged about using "Bubble" or bosh-bootloader as per the post below.

... and from there setting up Concourse

.. of course this was created so I can now use the PCF Pipelines to deploy Pivotal Cloud Foundry's Pivotal Application Service (PAS). At a high level this is how to achieve this with some screen shots on the end result


1. To get started you would use this link as follows. In my example I was deploying PCF to AWS

AWS Install Pipeline

2. Create a versioned bucket for holding terraform state. on AWS that will look as follows

3. Unless you ensure AWS pre-reqs are meet you won't be able to install PCF so this link highlights all that you will need for installing PCF on AWS such as key pairs, limits, etc

4. Create a public DNS zone, get its zone ID we will need that when we setup the pipeline shortly. I also created a self signed public certificate used for my DNS as part of the setup which is required as well.

5. At this point we can download the PCF Pipelines from or you can use the link as follows

6. Once you have unzipped the file you would then change to the directory for the write IaaS in my case "aws"

$ cd pcf-pipelines/install-pcf/aws

7. Change all of the CHANGEME values in params.yml with real values for your AWS env. This file is documented so you are clear with what you need to add and where. Most of the values are defaults of course.

8. Login to concourse using the "fly" command line

$ fly --target pcfconcourse login  --concourse-url -k

9. Add pipeline

$ fly -t pcfconcourse set-pipeline -p deploy-pcf -c pipeline.yml -l params.yml

10. Unpause pipeline

$ fly -t pcfconcourse unpause-pipeline -p deploy-pcf

pasapicella@pas-macbook:~/pivotal/aws/pcf-pipelines/pcf-pipelines/install-pcf/aws$ fly -t pcfconcourse pipelines
name        paused  public
deploy-pcf  no      no

11. The pipeline on concourse will look as follows

12. Now to execute the pipeline you have to manually run 2 tasks

- Run bootstrap-terraform-state job manually

- Run create-infrastructure manually

At this point the pipeline will kick of automatically. If you need to run-run due to an issue you can manually kick off the task after you fix what you need to fix. The “wipe-env” task will take everything for PAS down and terraform removes all IaaS config as well.

While running each task current state is shown as per the image below

If successful your AWS account will the PCF VM's created for example

Verify that PCF installed is best done using Pivotal Operations Manager as shown below

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Saturday, 18 August 2018

Deploying concourse using my "Bubble" created Bosh director

Previously I blogged about using "Bubble" or bosh-bootloader as per the post below.

Now with bosh director deployed it's time to deploy concourse itself. The process is very straight forward as per the steps below

1. First let's clone the bosh concourse deployment using the GitHub project as follows

2.  Target bosh director and login, must set ENV variables to connect to AWS bosh correctly using "eval" as we did in the previous post. This will set all the ENV variables we need

$ eval "$(bbl print-env -s state)"
$ bosh alias-env aws-env
$ bosh -e aws-env log-in

3. At this point we need to set the external URL which is essentially the load balancer we created when we deployed Bosh Director in the previous post. To get that value run a command as follows where we deployed bosh director from as shown below

pasapicella@pas-macbook:~/pivotal/aws/pcf-pipelines$ bbl lbs -s state
Concourse LB: bosh-director-aws-concourse-lb []

4. Now lets set that ENV variable as shown below

pasapicella@pas-macbook:~/pivotal/aws/pcf-pipelines$ export external_url=

5. Now from the cloned bosh concourse directory change to the directory "concourse-bosh-deployment/cluster" as shown below

pasapicella@pas-macbook:~/pivotal/aws/pcf-pipelines$ cd concourse-bosh-deployment/cluster

6. Upload stemcell as follows

$ bosh upload-stemcell light-bosh-stemcell-3363.69-aws-xen-hvm-ubuntu-trusty-go_agent.tgz


pasapicella@pas-macbook:~/pivotal/aws/pcf-pipelines$ bosh -e aws-bosh stemcells
Using environment '' as client 'admin'

Name                                     Version  OS             CPI  CID
bosh-aws-xen-hvm-ubuntu-trusty-go_agent  3363.69  ubuntu-trusty  -    ami-0812e8018333d59a6

(*) Currently deployed

1 stemcells

7. Now lets deploy concourse as shown below with a command as follows. Make sure you set a password as per "atc_basic_auth.password"

$ bosh deploy -d concourse concourse.yml   -l ../versions.yml   --vars-store cluster-creds.yml   -o operations/basic-auth.yml   -o operations/privileged-http.yml   -o operations/privileged-https.yml   -o operations/tls.yml   -o operations/tls-vars.yml   -o operations/web-network-extension.yml   --var network_name=default   --var external_url=$external_url   --var web_vm_type=default   --var db_vm_type=default   --var db_persistent_disk_type=10GB   --var worker_vm_type=default   --var deployment_name=concourse   --var web_network_name=private   --var web_network_vm_extension=lb  --var atc_basic_auth.username=admin --var atc_basic_auth.password=..... --var worker_ephemeral_disk=500GB_ephemeral_disk -o operations/worker-ephemeral-disk.yml 

8. Once deployed verify the deployment and VM's created as follows

pasapicella@pas-macbook:~/pivotal/aws/pcf-pipelines$ bosh -e aws-env deployments
Using environment '' as client 'admin'

Name       Release(s)          Stemcell(s)                                      Team(s)
concourse  concourse/3.13.0    bosh-aws-xen-hvm-ubuntu-trusty-go_agent/3363.69  -

1 deployments

pasapicella@pas-macbook:~/pivotal/aws/pcf-pipelines$ bosh -e aws-env vms
Using environment '' as client 'admin'

Task 32. Done

Deployment 'concourse'

Instance                                     Process State  AZ  IPs        VM CID               VM Type  Active
db/db78de7f-55c5-42f5-bf9d-20b4ef0fd331      running        z1  i-04904fbdd1c7e829f  default  true
web/767b14c8-8fd3-46f0-b74f-0dca2c3b9572     running        z1  i-0e5f1275f635bd49d  default  true
worker/cde3ae19-5dbc-4c39-854d-842bbbfbe5cd  running        z1  i-0bd44407ec0bd1d8a  default  true

3 vms


9. Navigate to the LB url we used above to access concourse UI using the username/password you set as per the deployment

10. Finally we can see of Bosh Director and Concourse deployment VM's on our AWS instance EC2 page as follows

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Wednesday, 15 August 2018

bosh-bootloader or "Bubble" as pronounced and how to get started

I decided to try out installing bosh using the bosh-bootloader CLI today. bbl currently supports AWS, GCP, Microsoft Azure, Openstack and vSphere. In this example I started with AWS but it won't be long until try this on GCP

It's worth noting that this can all be done remotely from your laptop once you give BBL the access it needs for the cloud environment.


1. First your going to need the bosh v2 CLI which you can install here


pasapicella@pas-macbook:~$ bosh -version
version 5.0.1-2432e5e9-2018-07-18T21:41:03Z


2. Second you will need Terrform having a Mac I use brew

$ brew install terrafrom


pasapicella@pas-macbook:~$ terraform version
Terraform v0.11.7

3. Now we need to install BBL which is done as follows on a Mac. I also show how to install bosh CLI as well if you missed step 1

$ brew tap cloudfoundry/tap
$ brew install bosh-cli
$ brew install bbl

Further instructions on this link

4. At this point your ready to deploy BOSH the instructions for AWS are here

Pretty straight forward but here is what I did at this point

5. In order for bbl to interact with AWS, an IAM user must be created. This user will be issuing API requests to create the infrastructure such as EC2 instances, load balancers, subnets, etc.

The user must have the following policy which I just copy into my clipboard to use later:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"

$ aws iam create-user --user-name "bbl-user”

This next command requires you to copy the policy JSON above

$ aws iam put-user-policy --user-name "bbl-user" --policy-name "bbl-policy" --policy-document "$(pbpaste)"

$ aws iam create-access-key --user-name "bbl-user"

You will get a JSON response at this point as follows. Save file created here as it’s used next few steps

    "AccessKey": {
        "UserName": "bbl-user",
        "Status": "Active",
        "CreateDate": "2018-08-07T03:30:39.993Z",
        "SecretAccessKey": ".....",
        "AccessKeyId": "........"

In the next step BBL will use these commands to create infrastructure on AWS.

6. Now we can pave the infrastructure, Create a Jumpbox, and Create a BOSH Director as well as a LB which I need as I plan to deploy concourse using BOSH.

$ bbl up --aws-access-key-id ..... --aws-secret-access-key ... --aws-region ap-southeast-2 --lb-type concourse --name bosh-director -d -s state --iaas aws

The process takes around 5-8 minutes.

The bbl state directory contains all of the files that were used to create your bosh director. This should be checked in to version control, so that you have all the information necessary to later destroy or update this environment at a later date.

7.  Finally we target the the bosh director as follows. Keep in mind everything we need is stored in the "state" directory as per above

$ eval "$(bbl print-env -s state)"

8. This will set various ENV variables which the bosh CLI will then use to target the bosh director.  Now we need to just prepare ourselves to actually log in. I use a script as follows

bbl director-ca-cert -s state > bosh.crt
export BOSH_CA_CERT=bosh.crt

export BOSH_ENVIRONMENT=$(bbl director-address -s state)

echo ""
echo "Username: $(bbl director-username -s state)"
echo "Password: $(bbl director-password -s state)"
echo ""
echo "Log in using -> bosh log-in"
echo ""

bosh alias-env aws-env

echo "ENV set to -> aws-env"
echo ""

Output When run with password omitted ->

pasapicella@pas-macbook:~/pivotal/aws/pcf-pipelines$ ./

Username: admin
Password: ......

Log in using -> bosh log-in

Using environment '' as client 'admin'

Name      bosh-bosh-director-aws
UUID      3ade0d28-77e6-4b5b-9be7-323a813ac87c
Version   266.4.0 (00000000)
CPI       aws_cpi
Features  compiled_package_cache: disabled
          config_server: enabled
          dns: disabled
          snapshots: disabled
User      admin

ENV set to -> aws-env

9. Finally lets log-in as follows

$ bosh -e aws-env log-in

Output ->

pasapicella@pas-macbook:~/pivotal/aws/pcf-pipelines$ bosh -e aws-env log-in
Successfully authenticated with UAA


10. Last but not least lets see what VM's bosh has under management. These VM's are for my concourse I installed. If you would like to install concourse use this link -

pasapicella@pas-macbook:~/pivotal/aws/pcf-pipelines$ bosh -e aws-env vms
Using environment '' as client 'admin'

Task 20. Done

Deployment 'concourse'

Instance                                     Process State  AZ  IPs        VM CID               VM Type  Active
db/ec8aa978-1ec5-4402-9835-9a1cbce9c1e5      running        z1  i-0d33949ece572beeb  default  true
web/686546be-09d1-43ec-bbb7-d96bb5edc3df     running        z1  i-03af52f574399af28  default  true
worker/679be815-6250-477c-899c-b962076f26f5  running        z1  i-0efac99165e12f2e6  default  true

3 vms


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