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Friday, 23 July 2021

Snyk provides native integration for Atlassian Bitbucket Cloud security - Here is how!!!

The Snyk security integration is free and easy to set up with just a few clicks inside the Bitbucket Cloud product. For the first time, developers can consume information that was previously only available inside Snyk now within Bitbucket Cloud. Snyk enables developers to see new vulnerabilities as they emerge and implement fixes early and quickly in the process. 

In this post we show how easily you can integrate Snyk into Bitbucket Cloud


Note: For the following to work you have to integrate Bitbucket Cloud with the Snyk App as per this link 

1. Once logged into Bitbucket Cloud navigate to your "Workplace Settings" and authenticate with Snyk as shown below.

2. Next select the repository you wish to use as shown below.

3. You should see a "Snyk" tab on the left hand side click on this and then click on "Import this repository" as shown below.

4. In a couple of minutes or less you should see a "Snyk" overview report as per below. 

5. Click on "pom.xml" to get more information as shown below. Here we get a list of all Vulnerabilities as per a scan of the package manifest file "pom.xml" in this example.

6. On the top of this page you can directly go to the project page on "Snyk App" by clicking on "Visit Snyk" as shown below.

It's as simple as that!

More Information

Demo Video

Friday, 2 July 2021

Snyk Import Project API using Azure Repos

In this example below we show how you could import a Azure Repo directly from the Snyk API. The Snyk API is available to customers on paid plans and allows you to programatically integrate with Snyk.

API url

The base URL for all API endpoints is


To use this API, you must get your token from Snyk. It can be seen on after you register with Snyk and login.

The token should be supplied in an Authorization header with the token, preceded by token:

Authorization: token API_KEY


Note: You would have configured an Azure Repos Integration as shown below prior to running these steps

1. Authenticate with the CLI using your Snyk Token as follows

$ snyk auth TOKEN

Your account has been authenticated. Snyk is now ready to be used.

2. Log into your Azure DevOps account and verify which Project Repo you wish to import as per the image below

3. With your project selected you will need the following details to perform the Snyk API import request

owner: Name of your project

name: Name of your Repository

branch: Branch name you wish to import

4. Finally we will need our Organisation ID and Azure Repos ID which we retrieve from the Snyk UI as follows

organization ID

Setting > General -> Organization ID

Azure Repos ID

Setting > Integrations -> Azure Repos -> Edit Settings -> Scroll to bottom of page

Take of note of both ID's we will need them in the steps below

5. Now we are ready to import our Azure Repo using a command as follows. We are using a "curl" command to issue a POST request and this command is for a Mac OSX or linux system so it would need tweaking if running on Windows for example


curl --include \
     --request POST \
     --header "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
     --header "Authorization: token `snyk config get api`" \
     --data-binary "{
  \"target\": {
    \"owner\": \"spring-book-service\",
    \"name\": \"spring-book-service\",
    \"branch\": \"master\"
}" \

6. Set the ENV variables for ORG_ID and AZURE_REPO_ID as follows


7. Run command

$ curl --include \
>      --request POST \
>      --header "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
>      --header "Authorization: token `snyk config get api`" \
>      --data-binary "{
>   \"target\": {
>     \"owner\": \"spring-book-service\",
>     \"name\": \"spring-book-service\",
>     \"branch\": \"master\"
>   }
> }" \
> "${ORG_ID}/integrations/${AZURE_REPO_ID}/import"
HTTP/2 201
content-security-policy: base-uri 'none'; script-src 'self' https: 'nonce-ENlk6rSQsdLgbcWNcCaA7A==' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' 'strict-dynamic' 'report-sample'; img-src https: data:; object-src 'none'; report-to csp-report-group; report-uri;
report-to: {"group":"csp-report-group","max_age":1800,"endpoints":[{"url":""}],"include_subdomains":true}
x-snyk-version: undefined
snyk-request-id: 1669e85e-abe5-401b-80bb-dae41829d6e1
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
content-length: 2
etag: W/"2-vyGp6PvFo4RvsFtPoIWeCReyIC8"
date: Fri, 02 Jul 2021 01:39:45 GMT
x-frame-options: deny
x-content-type-options: nosniff
x-xss-protection: 1; mode=block
strict-transport-security: max-age=31536000; preload


Finally switch back to the Snyk UI and verify you have imported the Azure repo as shown below

More Information

Import Projects API