Monday, 15 March 2010

OC4J 10.1.3.x - Accessing a Data Source remotely without oc4jadmin user

I previously showed how one would remotely access JNDI object's which include EJB's , Data Sources etc as shown in this post below.

Typically internally I use oc4jadmin who has access to everything and of course it has no issues. However in the real world 2 things are just about certain.

1. A Data Source would most likely be created at the container level for applications to share allthough it's not uncommon for them to be created at the application level.

2. The OAS administrator would almost certainly provide a separate user for JNDI access.

With such a setup the user created won't be able to access container specific JNDI objects such as data sources as most likely the OAS administrator won't make the user given part of the "oc4j-administrators" group. In this case the same principals as the blog entry apply however you won't find a container orion-application.xml.

So assuming you have a Data Source created in the HOME container you would need to alter the file below and then stop/start the instance to allow users to access container specific JNDI objects such as a Data Source. This demo assumes your user is part of the group called "users" as per the blog entry above.


<namespace-resource root="">
<group name="oc4j-administrators" />
<group name="ascontrol_admin" />
<group name="users" />
<namespace-resource root="">
<group name="oc4j-administrators" />
<group name="ascontrol_admin" />
<group name="users" />

1 comment:

  1. Nice dispatch and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you as your information.
