1. Download ojdbc6.jar from the links below.
ojdbc6.jar (
2. Create a JRuby script for the JDBC connection named "jdbc_connection.rb" as follows
require 'java' require 'C:/jdev/jdcbdrivers/11.2/ojdbc6.jar' import 'oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver' import 'java.sql.DriverManager' class OracleConnection @conn = nil def initialize (user, passwd, url) @user = user @passwd = passwd @url = url # load driver class oradriver = OracleDriver.new DriverManager.registerDriver(oradriver) @conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url,user,passwd); @conn.setAutoCommit(false); end #add getters and setters for all attrributes we wish to expose attr_reader :user, :passwd, :url def getConnection() return @conn end def closeConnection() @conn.close() end def to_s "OracleConnection [user=#{@user}, passwd=#{@passwd}, " + "url=#{@url}]" end alias_method :to_string, :to_s end
- Edit the line below to indicate the PATH to the Oracle JDBC driver downloaded at step #1
require 'C:/jdev/jdcbdrivers/11.2/ojdbc6.jar'
3. Create a JRuby script for the DBMS OUTPUT class named "dbms_output.rb" as follows.
require 'java' require 'C:/jdev/jdcbdrivers/11.2/ojdbc6.jar' import 'java.sql.CallableStatement' import 'java.sql.Connection' import 'java.sql.SQLException' import 'java.sql.Types' class DbmsOutput def initialize (conn) @enable_stmt = conn.getConnection.prepareCall( "begin dbms_output.enable(:1); end;" ); @disable_stmt = conn.getConnection.prepareCall( "begin dbms_output.disable; end;" ); @show_stmt = conn.getConnection.prepareCall( "declare " + " l_line varchar2(255); " + " l_done number; " + " l_buffer long; " + "begin " + " loop " + " exit when length(l_buffer)+255 > :maxbytes OR l_done = 1; " + " dbms_output.get_line( l_line, l_done ); " + " l_buffer := l_buffer || l_line || chr(10); " + " end loop; " + " :done := l_done; " + " :buffer := l_buffer; " + "end;" ); end def enable (size) @enable_stmt.setInt( 1, size ); @enable_stmt.executeUpdate(); end def disable @disable_stmt.executeUpdate(); end def show output = "" done = 0; @show_stmt.registerOutParameter( 2, 4); @show_stmt.registerOutParameter( 3, 12 ); while (done == 0) @show_stmt.setInt( 1, 32000 ); @show_stmt.executeUpdate(); output = output , "" , @show_stmt.getString(3), "\n" if ( (done = @show_stmt.getInt(2)).to_i == 1 ) break end end return output end def closeAll @enable_stmt.close(); @disable_stmt.close(); @show_stmt.close(); end end
- Edit the line below to indicate the PATH to the Oracle JDBC driver downloaded at step #1
require 'C:/jdev/jdcbdrivers/11.2/ojdbc6.jar'
4. Create a JRuby test script named "test_dbms_output.rb" as follows
# test DBMS_OUTPUT from JRuby # require 'lib/jdbc_connection' require 'lib/dbms_output' print "Run at ", Time.now , " using JRuby ", RUBY_VERSION, "\n" puts conn = nil begin conn = OracleConnection.new("scott", "tiger", "jdbc:oracle:thin:@beast.au.oracle.com:1524/linux11gr2") puts conn dbms_output = DbmsOutput.new(conn) dbms_output.enable( 1000000 ); plsql_block = "begin " + " for i in 1..10 loop " + " dbms_output.put_line('Hello JRuby at position '||i); " + " end loop; " + "end;" stmt = conn.getConnection.createStatement(); stmt.execute(plsql_block); print "** Output from PLSQL Block as follows **" puts dbms_output.show() dbms_output.closeAll() rescue print "\n** Error occured **\n" print "Failed executing Oracle JDBC DBMS_OUTPUT demo from JRuby ", $!, "\n" if (!conn.nil?) conn.closeConnection() end end print "\nEnded at ", Time.now , "\n"
- Edit the 2 lines above to refer to the files created at step #2 and step #3. In this example they exist of a lib directory from the current directory.
require 'lib/jdbc_connection'
require 'lib/dbms_output'
Note: Ensure you specify a connection to your database as follows
conn = OracleConnection.new("scott", "tiger", "jdbc:oracle:thin:@beast.au.oracle.com:1524/linux11gr2")
5. Run test_dbms_output.rb
Run at Thu Jan 13 07:45:21 +1100 2011 using JRuby 1.8.7
OracleConnection [user=scott, passwd=tiger, url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@beast.au.oracle.com:1524/linux11gr2]
** Output from PLSQL Block as follows **
Hello JRuby at position 1
Hello JRuby at position 2
Hello JRuby at position 3
Hello JRuby at position 4
Hello JRuby at position 5
Hello JRuby at position 6
Hello JRuby at position 7
Hello JRuby at position 8
Hello JRuby at position 9
Hello JRuby at position 10
Ended at Thu Jan 13 07:45:21 +1100 2011
I love technology demo blog entries like this. You are showing the cool things you can do using JRuby.
ReplyDeleteI cranked out a totally untested version of your script in an effort to highlight some of JRuby's specific Java integration features. I also tweaked things style-wise, but you can take that or leave it :)
Look for the comments (V---) for commentary.
No this is good. Makes me more aware of how to write Ruby style-wise code and of course get away from the java style methods/syntax from JRuby code.