1. Download ucp.jar and ojdbc6.jar from the links below.
ojdbc6.jar (
ucp.jar (
2. In a "lib" sub directory create a JRuby script called "ucppool-singleton.rb" with content as follows
require 'java' require 'C:/jdev/jdcbdrivers/11.2/11202/ojdbc6.jar' require 'C:/jdev/jdcbdrivers/11.2/11202/ons.jar' require 'C:/jdev/jdcbdrivers/11.2/ucp/ucp.jar' java_import 'oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource' java_import 'oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceFactory' API_VERSION = 1.0 class MyOracleUcpPool def load_properties(properties_filename) properties = {} File.open(properties_filename, 'r') do |properties_file| properties_file.read.each_line do |line| line.strip! if (line[0] != ?# and line[0] != ?=) i = line.index('=') if (i) properties[line[0..i - 1].strip] = line[i + 1..-1].strip else properties[line] = '' end end end end return properties end def initialize() props = load_properties(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/ucp.properties") @user = props["user"] @passwd = props["password"] @url = props["url"] @minsize = props["minpoolsize"].to_i @maxsize = props["maxpoolsize"].to_i @initialsize = props["initialpoolsize"].to_i @factoryclassname = props["connectionfactory"] @onsconfig = props["onsconfig"] #create pool for use here @pds = PoolDataSourceFactory.getPoolDataSource @pds.set_user user @pds.set_password passwd @pds.set_url url @pds.set_connection_factory_class_name factoryclassname @pds.set_connection_pool_name "ruby-fcfucppool" @pds.set_initial_pool_size initialsize @pds.set_min_pool_size minsize @pds.set_max_pool_size maxsize @pds.setONSConfiguration(onsconfig) @pds.set_fast_connection_failover_enabled true end #add getters and setters for all attrributes attr_reader :user, :passwd, :url, :minsize, :maxsize, :initialsize, :factoryclassname, :onsconfig @@instance = MyOracleUcpPool.new @pds = nil def self.instance() return @@instance end def get_connection() return @pds.get_connection end def return_connection(conn) conn.close end def to_s "MyOracleUcpPool [user=#{@user}, passwd=#{@passwd}, " + "url=#{@url}, minsize=#{@minsize}, maxsize=#{@maxsize}, " + "initialsize=#{@initialsize}], factoryclassname=#{factoryclassname}" end alias_method :to_string, :to_s def display_pool_details() return "\n** FCF Enabled UCP Pool Details **\n" + "NumberOfAvailableConnections: #{@pds.getAvailableConnectionsCount()}\n" + "BorrowedConnectionsCount: #{@pds.getBorrowedConnectionsCount()}\n"; end private_class_method :new end
3. In the same "lib" directory create a properties file called "ucp.properties" with content as follows. Ensure you set the correct details for your 11g RAC Cluster.
4. Edit the 3 lines below in the file "lib/ucppool-singleton.rb" to indicate the PATH to the 2 JAR files downloaded at step #1. For ons.jar you would obtain that from your CRS_HOME or RAC node at "$ORACLE_HOME/opmn/lib/ons.jar".
require 'C:/jdev/jdcbdrivers/11.2/11202/ojdbc6.jar'
require 'C:/jdev/jdcbdrivers/11.2/11202/ons.jar'
require 'C:/jdev/jdcbdrivers/11.2/ucp/ucp.jar'
5. Create a JRuby script called "ucp_fcf_test.rb" with content as follows.
require 'lib/ucppool-singleton' INSTANCE_SQL = <<EOF select sys_context('userenv', 'instance_name'), sys_context('userenv', 'server_host'), sys_context('userenv', 'service_name') from dual EOF def get_instance_details (conn, index) stmt = nil rset = nil begin stmt = conn.create_statement rset = stmt.execute_query INSTANCE_SQL rset.next result = "\n--> Connection #{index} : instance [#{rset.get_string 1}], " + "host[#{rset.get_string 2}], service[#{rset.get_string 3}]" rset.close stmt.close return result rescue if (!rset.nil?) rset.close end if (!stmt.nil?) stmt.close end raise end end print "Run at ", Time.now , "\n" conn = nil ucppool = nil i = 0 begin #use as a singleton class enusuring only one instance can exist ucppool = MyOracleUcpPool.instance() print ucppool , "\n" while (true) #get 5 connections from pool and insert into ruby hash conn = [] for y in 0..4 conn[y] = ucppool.get_connection end # print instance details for each connection x = 0 conn.each {|connection| print get_instance_details connection, x += 1} #print pool details puts print ucppool.display_pool_details #return connections conn.each {|connection| ucppool.return_connection connection} # sleep for 20 seconds puts "\nSleeping for 20 seconds....\n" sleep 20 end rescue print "\n** Error occured **\n" print "Failed executing FCF UCP Pool demo from JRuby ", $!, "\n" end print "\nEnded at ", Time.now , "\n"
6. Connect to one of your RAC node instances in preparation to perform a ungraceful instance crash.
[oradb1@auw2k3 ~]$ sqlplus / as sysdba SQL*Plus: Release Production on Thu Feb 3 21:27:13 2011 Copyright (c) 1982, 2010, Oracle. All rights reserved. Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production With the Partitioning, Real Application Clusters, Automatic Storage Management, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options SQL>
7. Run the JRuby script "ucp_fcf_test.rb" as shown below.
This script will create a UCP Pool setup for use with FCF, obtain 5 connections and then sleep for 20 seconds and continue the process of obtaining another 5 connections and so on until the program is ended using CNTRL-C.
> jruby ucp_fcf_test.rb
Run at Thu Feb 03 21:30:58 +1100 2011
MyOracleUcpPool [user=scott, passwd=tiger, url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@apctcsol1.au.oracle.com:1521/pas_srv, minsize=5, maxsize=20, initialsize=5]
, factoryclassname=oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource
--> Connection 1 : instance [A11], host[auw2k3], service[pas_srv]
--> Connection 2 : instance [A11], host[auw2k3], service[pas_srv]
--> Connection 3 : instance [A12], host[auw2k4], service[pas_srv]
--> Connection 4 : instance [A12], host[auw2k4], service[pas_srv]
--> Connection 5 : instance [A11], host[auw2k3], service[pas_srv]
** FCF Enabled UCP Pool Details **
NumberOfAvailableConnections: 0
BorrowedConnectionsCount: 5
Sleeping for 20 seconds....
8. Now once the program output shows it has obtained 5 connections and is currently sleeping return to your SQL*Plus session at step #6 and perform an ungraceful shutdown using "shutdown abort" as shown below.
SQL> shutdown abort; ORACLE instance shut down.
9. Return to the JRuby script and wait for it to wake up and verify that the node which has crashed is no longer in the list of connected instances.
Run at Thu Feb 03 21:30:58 +1100 2011
MyOracleUcpPool [user=scott, passwd=tiger, url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@apctcsol1.au.oracle.com:1521/pas_srv, minsize=5, maxsize=20, initialsize=5]
, factoryclassname=oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource
--> Connection 1 : instance [A11], host[auw2k3], service[pas_srv]
--> Connection 2 : instance [A11], host[auw2k3], service[pas_srv]
--> Connection 3 : instance [A12], host[auw2k4], service[pas_srv]
--> Connection 4 : instance [A12], host[auw2k4], service[pas_srv]
--> Connection 5 : instance [A11], host[auw2k3], service[pas_srv]
** FCF Enabled UCP Pool Details **
NumberOfAvailableConnections: 0
BorrowedConnectionsCount: 5
Sleeping for 20 seconds....
*** RAC instance on auw2k3 shutdown at this point **
--> Connection 1 : instance [A12], host[auw2k4], service[pas_srv]
--> Connection 2 : instance [A12], host[auw2k4], service[pas_srv]
--> Connection 3 : instance [A12], host[auw2k4], service[pas_srv]
--> Connection 4 : instance [A12], host[auw2k4], service[pas_srv]
--> Connection 5 : instance [A12], host[auw2k4], service[pas_srv]
** FCF Enabled UCP Pool Details **
NumberOfAvailableConnections: 0
BorrowedConnectionsCount: 5
Sleeping for 20 seconds....
10. Return to your SQL*Plus session at step #6 and start the instance back up using "startup".
SQL> startup; ORACLE instance started. Total System Global Area 790941696 bytes Fixed Size 1347084 bytes Variable Size 587203060 bytes Database Buffers 197132288 bytes Redo Buffers 5259264 bytes Database mounted. Database opened.
11. Verify from the running JRuby script that connections from the recently returned instance are coming up in the list as shown below.
Sleeping for 20 seconds....
*** RAC instance on auw2k3 started at this point **
--> Connection 1 : instance [A12], host[auw2k4], service[pas_srv]
--> Connection 2 : instance [A11], host[auw2k3], service[pas_srv]
--> Connection 3 : instance [A11], host[auw2k3], service[pas_srv]
--> Connection 4 : instance [A11], host[auw2k3], service[pas_srv]
--> Connection 5 : instance [A12], host[auw2k4], service[pas_srv]
** FCF Enabled UCP Pool Details **
NumberOfAvailableConnections: 5
BorrowedConnectionsCount: 5
Sleeping for 20 seconds....
For more information on using SCAN with 11g R2 RAC see the white paper below.
big thanks to the author for new)