JAX-RS Web Service -> SLSB -> JPA/EJB 3.0 entity
1. Create the DEPT JPA/EJB 3.0 Entity using the"Entities from tables" EJB wizard.
2. Create a Statelesss Session bean which generates facade methods for the JPA Entity we created at step #1
Note: In this example we will just implement the default Dept.findAll named query created from the JPA Entity
package pas.au.jaxrs.jpa.dept; import java.util.List; import javax.ejb.Stateless; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext; import javax.persistence.Query; @Stateless(name = "DeptSessionEJB", mappedName = "JAX-RS-DeptJPADemo-Demo-DeptSessionEJB") public class DeptSessionEJBBean implements DeptSessionEJB, DeptSessionEJBLocal { @PersistenceContext(unitName="Demo") private EntityManager em; public DeptSessionEJBBean() { } public Object queryByRange(String jpqlStmt, int firstResult, int maxResults) { Query query = em.createQuery(jpqlStmt); if (firstResult > 0) { query = query.setFirstResult(firstResult); } if (maxResults > 0) { query = query.setMaxResults(maxResults); } return query.getResultList(); } /** <code>select o from Dept o</code> */ public List<Dept> getDeptFindAll() { return em.createNamedQuery("Dept.findAll").getResultList(); } }
3. Create the JAX-RS Web Service as follows.
package pas.au.jaxrs.jpa.dept; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.List; import javax.naming.Context; import javax.naming.InitialContext; import javax.naming.NamingException; import javax.ws.rs.GET; import javax.ws.rs.Path; import javax.ws.rs.Produces; import javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType; @Path ("/deptjpaservice") public class DeptService { private DeptSessionEJB deptBean; public DeptService() { Context context; try { context = getInitialContext(); deptBean = (DeptSessionEJB) context.lookup ("JAX-RS-DeptJPADemo-Demo-DeptSessionEJB#pas.au.jaxrs.jpa.dept.DeptSessionEJB"); } catch (NamingException e) { throw new RuntimeException (e.getMessage()); } } @GET @Path("/departments") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_XML) public List<Dept> listDepartments() { return deptBean.getDeptFindAll(); } private static Context getInitialContext() throws NamingException { return new InitialContext(); } }
You could deploy this to Weblogic 10.3.4as per a previous post. In the example client above we just rujn it in the Integrated Server from JDeveloper to test it out.
4. Run the JAX-RS Web Service when finished you should see the following in the log file.
[01:10:31 PM] ---- Deployment finished. ----
Run startup time: 11380 ms.
[Application JAX-RS-DeptJPADemo deployed to Server Instance IntegratedWebLogicServer]
Target Application WADL -- http://localhost:7101/jaxrs-deptjpa/jersey/application.wadl
Target URL -- http://localhost:7101/jaxrs-deptjpa/jersey/deptjpaservice/departments
Run startup time: 11380 ms.
[Application JAX-RS-DeptJPADemo deployed to Server Instance IntegratedWebLogicServer]
Target Application WADL -- http://localhost:7101/jaxrs-deptjpa/jersey/application.wadl
Target URL -- http://localhost:7101/jaxrs-deptjpa/jersey/deptjpaservice/departments
5. Using curl access it from a putty client as follows.
> curl http://paslap-au.au.oracle.com:7101/jaxrs-deptjpa/jersey/deptjpaservice/departments
Of course the example above just shows how easy it is to call a JAX-RS service from a simple UNIX command line , but to be honest the easiest way is from JDeveloper itself using the HTTP analzyer by clicking on the link in the log window as shown below. At least this way the output is nicely formatted for you.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><depts><department><deptno>10</deptno><dname>ACCOUNTING</dname><loc>NEW YORK</loc></department><department><deptno>20</deptno><dname>RESEARCH</dname><loc>DALLAS</loc></department><department><deptno>30</deptno><dname>SALES</dname><loc>CHICAGO</loc></department><department><deptno>40</deptno><dname>OPERATIONS</dname><loc>BOSTON</loc></department></depts>
The JDeveloper project would look as follows"
Hey Pas,
ReplyDeleteWhy not show the REST support in the HTTP Analyzer in JDeveloper?
I added that now. Previous posts on this did use the HTTP analyzer as well.