Sunday, 23 November 2014

PCFHawq*Web Browser based web application for PHD service within Cloud Foundry

Pivotal HD for Pivotal CF deliver's Pivotal HD - Pivotal's leading Hadoop distribution as a Pivotal CF Service. Pivotal HD is a commercially supported distribution of Apache Hadoop. The Pivotal HD Data Service includes HDFS, YARN and MapReduce. It also includes HAWQ, Pivotal's high performance SQL database on HDFS and Pivotal's In-memory OLTP SQL processing engine GemFire XD.

Pivotal PCFHawq*Web is a browser based schema administration tool for HAWQ within Pivotal Cloud Foundry 1.3. It supports auto binding to a PHD service but can run stand alone outside of PCF. If you don't bind the application to a PHD instance it presents a login page to allow you to manually connect to HAWQ within PCF. When bound to a PHD service it will connect using the VCAP_SERVICES credentials automatically for you. It supports the following features

  • Browse tables/views/external tables
  • Save Query Results in CSV or JSON format
  • SQL Worksheet to load/execute SQL DML/DDL statements

Below is the GITHUB project for this tool.

More Info

1 comment:

  1. This web application provide effective features for PHD service. I like the work of custom web apps development experts who develop this web browser based web app.
