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Thursday 29 November 2012

GemFire 70 and Parallel WAN and Simplified WAN Configuration

With the introduction of GemFire 70 the WAN replication has been simplified. IN fact the simplest setup is as shown below.

1. A cache sever started with a cache.xml as follows which defines a single sender and a receiver
<?xml version="1.0"?>
    "-//GemStone Systems, Inc.//GemFire Declarative Caching 7.0//EN"

    <gateway-sender id="sender1" parallel="true" remote-distributed-system-id="2" dispatcher-threads="2" order-policy="partition"/>
    <gateway-receiver start-port="1530" end-port="1551"/>
    <cache-server port="40001"/>
    <region name="wantest">
        <region-attributes refid="PARTITION" gateway-sender-ids="sender1"/>

2. Some commands in GFSH to verify the gateway senders/recievers
Cluster-1 gfsh>list gateways


GatewaySender Id |                       Member                       | Remote Cluster Id |   Type   | Status  | Queued Events | Receiver Location
---------------- | -------------------------------------------------- | ----------------- | -------- | ------- | ------------- | -----------------
sender1          | Pas-Apicellas-MacBook-Pro(server1:22361)<v1>:10766 | 2                 | Parallel | Running | 0             | null
sender1          | Pas-Apicellas-MacBook-Pro(server2:22362)<v2>:25822 | 2                 | Parallel | Running | 0             | null


                      Member                       | Port | Sender Count | Sender's Connected
-------------------------------------------------- | ---- | ------------ | ------------------------------------------------------
Pas-Apicellas-MacBook-Pro(server1:22361)<v1>:10766 | 1541 | 2            | ["Pas-Apicellas-MacBook-Pro(server1:22385)<v1>:55223"]
Pas-Apicellas-MacBook-Pro(server2:22362)<v2>:25822 | 1537 | 2            | ["Pas-Apicellas-MacBook-Pro(server2:22386)<v2>:11991"]

Cluster-1 gfsh>status gateway-sender --id=sender1

                      Member                       |   Type   | Status
-------------------------------------------------- | -------- | -------
Pas-Apicellas-MacBook-Pro(server1:22361)<v1>:10766 | Parallel | Running
Pas-Apicellas-MacBook-Pro(server2:22362)<v2>:25822 | Parallel | Running 

More information on this can be found at the following link

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