1. Once you have deployed Pivotal Build Service, the
CLI can be used to target it with the following command.Note: Use the --skip-ssl-validation flag if the Pivotal Build Service targets a UAA that has a self-signed CA cert
$ pb api set --skip-ssl-validation
Successfully set '' as the Build Service
2. Login using "pb login" as shown below
$ pb login
Target Build Server at:
Password: ******
Login successful
Using the Pivotal Build Service (PBS) requires us to create a TEAM and IMAGE. Both are explained below.
TEAM: A team is an entity on Pivotal Build Service that is used to manage authentication for the images built by Pivotal Build Service and to manage registry and git credentials for the images managed by the team
3. Create a TEAM yaml as per below and then apply that config using the pb cli
name: example-team-name
- registry:
username: pasapples
password: *****
- domain:
username: papicella
password: *****
$ pb team apply -f example-team.yaml
Successfully applied team 'example-team-name'
IMAGE: An image defines the specification that Pivotal Build Service uses to create images for a user.
4. Create a IMAGE yaml as per below and then apply that config using the pb cli. The PBS will automatically kick off a build.
team: example-team-name
revision: master
tag: pasapples/pbs-demo-image
$ pb image apply -f example-image.yaml
Successfully applied image configuration 'pasapples/pbs-demo-image'
$ pb image builds pasapples/pbs-demo-image
Build Status Image Started Time Finished Time Reason
----- ------ ----- ------------ ------------- ------
1 BUILDING -- 2019-08-02 09:43:06 -- CONFIG
$ pb image logs pasapples/pbs-demo-image -b 1
papicella@papicella:~$ pb image logs pasapples/pbs-demo-image -b 1
[build-step-credential-initializer] {"level":"info","ts":1564739008.561973,"logger":"fallback-logger","caller":"creds-init/main.go:40","msg":"Credentials initialized.","commit":"002a41a"}
[build-step-git-source-0] git-init:main.go:81: Successfully cloned "" @ "c1aae50feaffcd61c521796cd675e6576e58bc64" in path "/workspace"
[build-step-detect] Trying group 1 out of 3 with 27 buildpacks...
[build-step-detect] ======== Results ========
[build-step-detect] skip: Cloud Foundry Archive Expanding Buildpack
[build-step-detect] pass: Pivotal OpenJDK Buildpack
[build-step-detect] pass: Pivotal Build System Buildpack
[build-step-detect] pass: Cloud Foundry JVM Application Buildpack
[build-step-detect] pass: Cloud Foundry Spring Boot Buildpack
[build-step-detect] pass: Cloud Foundry Apache Tomcat Buildpack
[build-step-detect] pass: Cloud Foundry DistZip Buildpack
[build-step-detect] skip: Cloud Foundry Procfile Buildpack
[build-step-detect] skip: Pivotal AppDynamics Buildpack
[build-step-detect] skip: Pivotal AspectJ Buildpack
[build-step-detect] skip: Pivotal CA Introscope Buildpack
[build-step-detect] pass: Pivotal Client Certificate Mapper Buildpack
6. So after a few minutes or so we will see we have built our initial image from the GitHub repo and that OCI compliant image built using Cloud Native Buildpacks is created on our DockerHub account
$ pb image builds pasapples/pbs-demo-image
Build Status Image Started Time Finished Time Reason
----- ------ ----- ------------ ------------- ------
1 SUCCESS 98239112 2019-08-02 09:43:06 2019-08-02 09:44:34 CONFIG
One of the PBS job is to keep this image updated as new successful commits occur off the matser branch. Lets show how this works as per below
7. Let's make a change to the code for or GitHub repo here I do this in IntelliJ IDEA
8. Commit the changes as shown below
9. Let's see if indeed the PBS actually started a new build for us and we should see it is doing that.
$ pb image builds pasapples/pbs-demo-image
Build Status Image Started Time Finished Time Reason
----- ------ ----- ------------ ------------- ------
1 SUCCESS 98239112 2019-08-02 09:43:06 2019-08-02 09:44:34 CONFIG
2 BUILDING -- 2019-08-02 09:57:11 -- COMMIT
10. We can tail the logs as shown below and actually tail the build logs live using "-f"
papicella@papicella:~$ pb image logs pasapples/pbs-demo-image -b 2 -f
[build-step-credential-initializer] {"level":"info","ts":1564739850.5331886,"logger":"fallback-logger","caller":"creds-init/main.go:40","msg":"Credentials initialized.","commit":"002a41a"}
[build-step-git-source-0] git-init:main.go:81: Successfully cloned "" @ "0bb81c7523be7ada3ed956569d0241cda6b410d2" in path "/workspace"
[build-step-detect] Trying group 1 out of 3 with 27 buildpacks...
[build-step-detect] ======== Results ========
[build-step-detect] skip: Cloud Foundry Archive Expanding Buildpack
[build-step-detect] pass: Pivotal OpenJDK Buildpack
[build-step-detect] pass: Pivotal Build System Buildpack
[build-step-detect] pass: Cloud Foundry JVM Application Buildpack
[build-step-detect] pass: Cloud Foundry Spring Boot Buildpack
[build-step-detect] pass: Cloud Foundry Apache Tomcat Buildpack
[build-step-detect] pass: Cloud Foundry DistZip Buildpack
[build-step-detect] skip: Cloud Foundry Procfile Buildpack
[build-step-detect] skip: Pivotal AppDynamics Buildpack
[build-step-detect] skip: Pivotal AspectJ Buildpack
[build-step-detect] skip: Pivotal CA Introscope Buildpack
[build-step-detect] pass: Pivotal Client Certificate Mapper Buildpack
[build-step-detect] skip: Pivotal Elastic APM Buildpack
[build-step-detect] skip: Pivotal JaCoCo Buildpack
[build-step-detect] skip: Pivotal JProfiler Buildpack
[build-step-detect] skip: Pivotal JRebel Buildpack
[build-step-detect] skip: Pivotal New Relic Buildpack
[build-step-detect] skip: Pivotal OverOps Buildpack
[build-step-detect] skip: Pivotal Riverbed AppInternals Buildpack
[build-step-detect] skip: Pivotal SkyWalking Buildpack
[build-step-detect] skip: Pivotal YourKit Buildpack
[build-step-detect] skip: Cloud Foundry Azure Application Insights Buildpack
[build-step-detect] skip: Cloud Foundry Debug Buildpack
[build-step-detect] skip: Cloud Foundry Google Stackdriver Buildpack
[build-step-detect] skip: Cloud Foundry JDBC Buildpack
[build-step-detect] skip: Cloud Foundry JMX Buildpack
[build-step-detect] pass: Cloud Foundry Spring Auto-reconfiguration Buildpack
[build-step-restore] Restoring cached layer 'io.pivotal.openjdk:openjdk-jdk'
[build-step-restore] Restoring cached layer 'io.pivotal.buildsystem:build-system-application'
[build-step-restore] Restoring cached layer 'io.pivotal.buildsystem:build-system-cache'
[build-step-restore] Restoring cached layer 'org.cloudfoundry.jvmapplication:executable-jar'
[build-step-restore] Restoring cached layer 'org.cloudfoundry.springboot:spring-boot'
[build-step-analyze] Analyzing image ''
[build-step-analyze] Using cached layer 'io.pivotal.openjdk:openjdk-jdk'
[build-step-analyze] Writing metadata for uncached layer 'io.pivotal.openjdk:java-security-properties'
[build-step-analyze] Writing metadata for uncached layer 'io.pivotal.openjdk:jvmkill'
[build-step-analyze] Writing metadata for uncached layer 'io.pivotal.openjdk:link-local-dns'
[build-step-analyze] Writing metadata for uncached layer 'io.pivotal.openjdk:memory-calculator'
[build-step-analyze] Writing metadata for uncached layer 'io.pivotal.openjdk:openjdk-jre'
[build-step-analyze] Writing metadata for uncached layer 'io.pivotal.openjdk:security-provider-configurer'
[build-step-analyze] Writing metadata for uncached layer 'io.pivotal.openjdk:class-counter'
[build-step-analyze] Using cached layer 'io.pivotal.buildsystem:build-system-application'
[build-step-analyze] Using cached layer 'io.pivotal.buildsystem:build-system-cache'
[build-step-analyze] Using cached launch layer 'org.cloudfoundry.jvmapplication:executable-jar'
[build-step-analyze] Rewriting metadata for layer 'org.cloudfoundry.jvmapplication:executable-jar'
[build-step-analyze] Using cached launch layer 'org.cloudfoundry.springboot:spring-boot'
[build-step-analyze] Rewriting metadata for layer 'org.cloudfoundry.springboot:spring-boot'
[build-step-analyze] Writing metadata for uncached layer 'io.pivotal.clientcertificatemapper:client-certificate-mapper'
[build-step-analyze] Writing metadata for uncached layer 'org.cloudfoundry.springautoreconfiguration:auto-reconfiguration'
[build-step-build] Pivotal OpenJDK Buildpack 1.0.0-M9
[build-step-build] OpenJDK JDK 11.0.3: Reusing cached layer
[build-step-build] OpenJDK JRE 11.0.3: Reusing cached layer
[build-step-build] Java Security Properties 1.0.0-M9: Reusing cached layer
[build-step-build] Security Provider Configurer 1.0.0-M9: Reusing cached layer
[build-step-build] Link-Local DNS 1.0.0-M9: Reusing cached layer
[build-step-build] JVMKill Agent 1.16.0: Reusing cached layer
[build-step-build] Class Counter 1.0.0-M9: Reusing cached layer
[build-step-build] Memory Calculator 4.0.0: Reusing cached layer
[build-step-build] Pivotal Build System Buildpack 1.0.0-M9
[build-step-build] Using wrapper
[build-step-build] Linking Cache to /home/vcap/.m2
[build-step-build] Compiled Application (141 files): Contributing to layer
[build-step-build] [INFO] Scanning for projects...
[build-step-build] [INFO]
[build-step-build] [INFO] ------------------------< com.example:pbs-demo >------------------------
[build-step-build] [INFO] Building pbs-demo 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
[build-step-build] [INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
[build-step-build] [INFO]
[build-step-build] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:3.1.0:resources (default-resources) @ pbs-demo ---
[build-step-build] [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[build-step-build] [INFO] Copying 1 resource
[build-step-build] [INFO] Copying 0 resource
[build-step-build] [INFO]
[build-step-build] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.8.1:compile (default-compile) @ pbs-demo ---
[build-step-build] [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module!
[build-step-build] [INFO] Compiling 9 source files to /workspace/target/classes
[build-step-build] [INFO]
[build-step-build] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:3.1.0:testResources (default-testResources) @ pbs-demo ---
[build-step-build] [INFO] Not copying test resources
[build-step-build] [INFO]
[build-step-build] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.8.1:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ pbs-demo ---
[build-step-build] [INFO] Not compiling test sources
[build-step-build] [INFO]
[build-step-build] [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.22.2:test (default-test) @ pbs-demo ---
[build-step-build] [INFO] Tests are skipped.
[build-step-build] [INFO]
[build-step-build] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:3.1.2:jar (default-jar) @ pbs-demo ---
[build-step-build] [INFO] Building jar: /workspace/target/pbs-demo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
[build-step-build] [INFO]
[build-step-build] [INFO] --- spring-boot-maven-plugin:2.1.6.RELEASE:repackage (repackage) @ pbs-demo ---
[build-step-build] [INFO] Replacing main artifact with repackaged archive
[build-step-build] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[build-step-build] [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS
[build-step-build] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[build-step-build] [INFO] Total time: 7.214 s
[build-step-build] [INFO] Finished at: 2019-08-02T09:57:52Z
[build-step-build] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[build-step-build] Removing source code
[build-step-build] Cloud Foundry JVM Application Buildpack 1.0.0-M9
[build-step-build] Executable JAR: Reusing cached layer
[build-step-build] Process types:
[build-step-build] executable-jar: java -cp $CLASSPATH $JAVA_OPTS org.springframework.boot.loader.JarLauncher
[build-step-build] task: java -cp $CLASSPATH $JAVA_OPTS org.springframework.boot.loader.JarLauncher
[build-step-build] web: java -cp $CLASSPATH $JAVA_OPTS org.springframework.boot.loader.JarLauncher
[build-step-build] Cloud Foundry Spring Boot Buildpack 1.0.0-M9
[build-step-build] Spring Boot 2.1.6.RELEASE: Reusing cached layer
[build-step-build] Process types:
[build-step-build] spring-boot: java -cp $CLASSPATH $JAVA_OPTS com.example.pbsdemo.PbsDemoApplication
[build-step-build] task: java -cp $CLASSPATH $JAVA_OPTS com.example.pbsdemo.PbsDemoApplication
[build-step-build] web: java -cp $CLASSPATH $JAVA_OPTS com.example.pbsdemo.PbsDemoApplication
[build-step-build] Pivotal Client Certificate Mapper Buildpack 1.0.0-M9
[build-step-build] Cloud Foundry Client Certificate Mapper 1.8.0: Reusing cached layer
[build-step-build] Cloud Foundry Spring Auto-reconfiguration Buildpack 1.0.0-M9
[build-step-build] Spring Auto-reconfiguration 2.7.0: Reusing cached layer
11. This time the build will be faster given we are using Cloud Native Buildpacks a CNCF project and it will only rebuild the layers required versus the whole image itself. You can see from the time taken of build "2"
$ pb image builds pasapples/pbs-demo-image
Build Status Image Started Time Finished Time Reason
----- ------ ----- ------------ ------------- ------
1 SUCCESS 98239112 2019-08-02 09:43:06 2019-08-02 09:44:34 CONFIG
2 SUCCESS 1e4b63b1 2019-08-02 09:57:11 2019-08-02 09:58:15 COMMIT
Hopefully this demo shows what the PBS is all about and how it will simplify how you create and keep updated your OCI compliant images.
More Information:
1. Get started with Pivotal Build Service.
2. Request alpha access to Build Service via this form, or by reaching out to your account team. Once you’ve gained access, you’ll see the bits on up PivNet
3. Cloud Native buildpacks
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