Thursday, 24 September 2009

Trace/Diagnostics output from ADF BC Web Services using FMC (EM) in OFM 11g R1

When you deploy your ADF BC Application module as a Web Service interface you can take advantage of Fusion Middleware Contol (EM) to trace the web service execution from FMC (EM) itself as I will show here.

Note: This is only applicable to ADF BC Web Services, the same steps won't work for JAX-WS or PLSQL web services created in JDeveloper 11g R1.

The documentation for Service-Enabled application modules can be found here.

Oracle® Fusion Middleware Fusion Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)

Part Number B31974-03
11 Integrating Service-Enabled Application Modules

In order to do this we need to achieve 3 steps here.

1. Setup Fusion Middleware Control (EM) in your domain

In short your domain will need to be setup as per these steps.

2. Deploy an ADF BC App Module as a Web Service Interface

Note: It is assumed you have a client method exposed in your ADF BC application module. An example of such a method is as follows. You will need to ensure the method is exposed as a client method.

public String getVersion ()
return getSession().getVersion();

2.1. Right click on your application module XML file and and select "Open {app module name}"
2.2. Select "Service Interface"
2.3. Select the + symbol
2.4. Enter in the service interface details.
2.5. Click next
2.6. Shuttle across the methods you wish to expose.
2.7. Ignore the "Service View Instances" and click next
2.8 Click Finish.

You end up with something as follows in the application navigator.

2.9. Now we need to create a deployment profile which we do by double clicking on the proejct to invoke the "Project properties" dialog.
2.10. Select "deployment"
2.11. Click New
2.12. Select the archive type as "Business Components service Interface"

2.13. Give it a name and press Ok

At this point you have created an EJB JAR file , which you can deploy by using the menu item for the workspace "Deploy" and targeting an Application Server Connection for your OFM 11g R1 server. Once deployed you should end up with output as follows.

[10:38:37 AM] ---- Deployment started. ----
[10:38:37 AM] Target platform is (Weblogic 10.3).
[10:38:44 AM] Entering Target Selection Dialog
[10:38:48 AM] Retrieving existing application information
[10:38:48 AM] Running dependency analysis...
[10:38:48 AM] Building...
[10:38:49 AM] Deploying 3 profiles...
[10:38:49 AM] Wrote EJB Module to D:\jdev11gr1\jdeveloper\jdev\mywork\ADFBC-WS\Demo\deploy\ADFBC-WS-Demo-context-root.jar
[10:38:50 AM] Wrote Archive Module to D:\jdev11gr1\jdeveloper\jdev\mywork\ADFBC-WS\Demo\deploy\adfbc-ws_Common.jar
[10:38:50 AM] Wrote Enterprise Application Module to D:\jdev11gr1\jdeveloper\jdev\mywork\ADFBC-WS\deploy\Demo_adfbc-ws.ear
[10:38:52 AM] INFO: Unable to load annotation weblogic.javaee.CallByReferencefor parsing. The annotation is ignored.
[10:38:52 AM] INFO: Unable to load annotation weblogic.javaee.CallByReferencefor parsing. The annotation is ignored.
[10:38:52 AM] INFO: GenericWSWarAnnotationListener.parseAnnotatedClass Adding Servlet Mapping with URL pattern /AppModuleService for annotated WebService class
[10:38:54 AM] Deploying Application...
[10:38:59 AM] [Deployer:149191]Operation 'deploy' on application 'Demo_adfbc-ws' is initializing on 'debug_ws'
[10:39:16 AM] [Deployer:149192]Operation 'deploy' on application 'Demo_adfbc-ws' is in progress on 'debug_ws'
[10:39:21 AM] [Deployer:149194]Operation 'deploy' on application 'Demo_adfbc-ws' has succeeded on 'debug_ws'
[10:39:21 AM] Application Deployed Successfully.
[10:39:21 AM] Elapsed time for deployment: 43 seconds
[10:39:21 AM] ---- Deployment finished. ----

3. Use FMC (EM) to trace the ADF BC web service execution.

3.1 Log into FMC (EM) as follows


3.2 In the navigator pane, expand WebLogic Domain
3.3. Expand the domain
3.4. Select the desired server from the list.
3.5. From the WebLogic Sever menu, select Logs > Log Configuration
3.6. On the "Log Levels" tab you need to select "Loggers with persistent Log Level State", then expand the "Specify Loggers"
3.7. At the bottom and enter the logger name "oracle.webservices" and optionally setup the "
Diagnostic Logging Level" you wish to use.
3.8. Press Apply.

Now at this point we have to restart the server.

Once re-started log back into EM and verify the Log configuration shows "oracle.webservices" as shown below.

Now we can test our web services as shown in this entry and verify we get web services diagnostics logging placed into the log file "debug_ws-diagnostic.log" which would be in a directory as follows $DOMAIN_HOME/servers/{managed-server-name}/logs

An example of the output is as follows

] [ecid: 0000IFdFy2wFw000jzwkno1Aidcd00003S,0:3] [
AppModuleServiceSoapHttpPort] [APP: Demo_adfbc-ws] [
ADFBC-WS-Demo-context-root] [ AppModuleService]
[ Demo_adfbc-ws] Incomplete connection information
[2009-09-24T09:32:46.827+10:00] [debug_ws] [WARNING] []
[oracle.adf.share.jndi.ReferenceStoreHelper] [tid: [ACTIVE].ExecuteThread:
'2' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] [userId:
] [ecid: 0000IFdFy2wFw000jzwkno1Aidcd00003S,0:3] [
AppModuleServiceSoapHttpPort] [APP: Demo_adfbc-ws] [
ADFBC-WS-Demo-context-root] [ AppModuleService]
[ Demo_adfbc-ws] Incomplete connection reference object
[2009-09-24T09:32:50.828+10:00] [debug_ws] [TRACE] [OWS-04010]
[oracle.webservices.service] [tid: [ACTIVE].ExecuteThread: '2' for queue:
'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] [userId:
] [ecid: 0000IFdFy2wFw000jzwkno1Aidcd00003S,0:3] [SRC_CLASS:] [APP: Demo_adfbc-ws] [SRC_METHOD:
fineMsgServletResponse] [arg:
{/pas/au/adf/ws/common/}AppModuleServiceSoapHttpPort] [arg:
<env:Envelope xmlns:env="">
<ns0:getVersionResponse xmlns:ns0="/pas/au/adf/ws/common/types/">
<result xmlns="/pas/au/adf/ws/common/types/"></result>
] The SOAP response for port:
{/pas/au/adf/ws/common/}AppModuleServiceSoapHttpPort is:[[

<env:Envelope xmlns:env="">
<ns0:getVersionResponse xmlns:ns0="/pas/au/adf/ws/common/types/">
<result xmlns="/pas/au/adf/ws/common/types/"></result>

You can also view the log file from FMC (EM) as follows

- From the WebLogic Sever menu, select Logs > View Log Messages
- Click on "Target Log Files" button.
- In the log files table select the row containing "debug_ws-diagnostic.log" and press the button "View Log File".

More Information

Oracle® Fusion Middleware Security and Administrator's Guide for Web Services
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
Part Number B32511-01
15 Diagnosing Problems

Monday, 14 September 2009

Web Services Security in OFM 11g R1

I ran 2 good blog entries for securing web services from JDeveloper 11g onto WLS 11g R1. Both these are great starting points for that and worked well. Saves a lot of time when it's all laid out step by step.

I always create my WLS domains adding Fusion Middleware Control and that then gives you the ability to test the web service from a browser as well as view some runtime statistics for the web service itself when logging into the "/em" application installed into the admin server.

The blog entry showing how to install Fusion Middleware Control into a WLS 11g R1 domain is as follows. I even started deploying from that application rather then using the traditional console application.

So in short

1. Log into em using an url as follows


2. Click on your web service application
3. If indeed web services exist in the application you will see a web services table and "Java EE Web Services" tab as shown below.

4. Click on the "Test" icon to test your web service.

Tuesday, 1 September 2009

JDeveloper 11g - PLSQL Web Service Returning a Table of Objects

Got a few emails about problems using a Table of Objects within PLSQL Web Services now it's been reintroduced into JDeveloper 11g. Here is a small demo which worked fine for me.

1. Run the following SQL in the classic SCOTT schema

drop type dept_type;
drop type dept_list_table;

create type dept_type as object
(deptno NUMBER,
dname VARCHAR2(14),
loc varchar2(13),
cr_date date)

create type dept_list_table is table of dept_type

purge recyclebin;

create or replace package ws_package as

function test_dept_table return dept_list_table;

end ws_package;
show errors;

create or replace package body ws_package as

function test_dept_table return dept_list_table is

all_depts dept_list_table := dept_list_table();
dRecType dept_type;
i number := 0;


-- iterate through all depts
for r_list in (select * from dept) loop

i := i + 1;

dRecType := dept_type(null, null, null, null);
dRecType.deptno := r_list.deptno;
dRecType.dname := r_list.dname;
dRecType.loc := r_list.loc;
dRecType.cr_date := sysdate;

all_depts(i) := dRecType;

end loop;

return all_depts;

end test_dept_table;

end ws_package;
show errors;
2. Create a PLSQL Web Service called "DemoWS" using the defaults for the package WS_PACKAGE.

3. Right click on the Web Service "DemoWS" and select "Run". It may take a while to start but eventually you should see it's started as follows.

Run startup time: 10437 ms.
[Application WebServicesTest deployed to Server Instance DefaultServer]

Target URL -- http://localhost:7101/WebServicesTest-PLSQLTest-context-root/DemoWSPort
09/08/13 09:49:19 Web service DemoWS has been started on the embedded server

4. Copy the URL above into a browser.
5. Click on "Test Page"
6. Click on the only function "testDeptTable"
7. Verify response as follows.

<env:Envelope xmlns:env="">
<env:Header />
<m:testDeptTableResponse xmlns:m="http://au/support/ws/DemoWS.wsdl">
<result xmlns:typ="http://au/support/ws/DemoWS.wsdl/types/">
<typ:loc>NEW YORK</typ:loc>

Note: If you wanted to test using the Table as an IN parameter simply create a method as follows in the PLSQL package which would enable you to test this as well.

function echo_dept_list_table (v1 in dept_list_table) return dept_list_table is


return v1;

end echo_dept_list_table;