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Thursday, 6 August 2020

Configure a MySQL Marketplace service for the new Tanzu Application Service on Kubernetes using Container Services Manager for VMware Tanzu

The following post shows how to configure a MySQL service into the new Tanzu Application Service BETA version 0.3.0. For instructions on how to install the Container Services Manager for VMware Tanzu (KSM) see post below.


It's assumed you have already installed KSM into your Kubernetes Cluster as shown below. If not please refer to the documentation to get this done first

$ kubectl get all -n ksm
NAME                                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/ksm-chartmuseum-78d5d5bfb-2ggdg   1/1     Running   0          15d
pod/ksm-ksm-broker-6db696894c-blvpp   1/1     Running   0          15d
pod/ksm-ksm-broker-6db696894c-mnshg   1/1     Running   0          15d
pod/ksm-ksm-daemon-587b6fd549-cc7sv   1/1     Running   1          15d
pod/ksm-ksm-daemon-587b6fd549-fgqx5   1/1     Running   1          15d
pod/ksm-postgresql-0                  1/1     Running   0          15d

NAME                              TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP     PORT(S)        AGE
service/ksm-chartmuseum           ClusterIP   <none>          8080/TCP       15d
service/ksm-ksm-broker            LoadBalancer   80:30086/TCP   15d
service/ksm-ksm-daemon            LoadBalancer   80:31410/TCP   15d
service/ksm-postgresql            ClusterIP   <none>          5432/TCP       15d
service/ksm-postgresql-headless   ClusterIP      None             <none>          5432/TCP       15d

NAME                              READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/ksm-chartmuseum   1/1     1            1           15d
deployment.apps/ksm-ksm-broker    2/2     2            2           15d
deployment.apps/ksm-ksm-daemon    2/2     2            2           15d

NAME                                        DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
replicaset.apps/ksm-chartmuseum-78d5d5bfb   1         1         1       15d
replicaset.apps/ksm-ksm-broker-6db696894c   2         2         2       15d
replicaset.apps/ksm-ksm-broker-8645dfcf98   0         0         0       15d
replicaset.apps/ksm-ksm-daemon-587b6fd549   2         2         2       15d

NAME                              READY   AGE
statefulset.apps/ksm-postgresql   1/1     15d

1. let's start by getting the Broker IP address which when installed using LoadBalancer type can be retrieved as shown below.

$ kubectl get service ksm-ksm-broker -n ksm -o=jsonpath='{@.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}'

2. Upgrade your Helm release by running the following using the IP address from above

$ export BROKER_IP=$(kubectl get service ksm-ksm-broker -n ksm -o=jsonpath='{@.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')
$ helm upgrade ksm ./ksm -n ksm --reuse-values \
            --set cf.brokerUrl="http://$BROKER_IP" \
            --set cf.brokerName=KSM \
            --set cf.apiAddress="" \
            --set cf.username="admin" \
            --set cf.password="admin-password"

3. Next we configure the ksm CLI. You can download the CLI from here

export KSM_IP=$(kubectl get service ksm-ksm-daemon -n ksm -o=jsonpath='{@.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')
export KSM_TARGET=http://$KSM_IP:$(kubectl get svc ksm-ksm-daemon -n ksm -o=jsonpath='{@.spec.ports[0].port}')
export KSM_USER=admin
export KSM_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret -n ksm ksm-ksm-daemon -o=jsonpath='{}' | base64 --decode)

4. Verify ksm CLI is configured correctly

$ ksm version
Client Version [0.10.80]
Server Version [0.10.80]

5. Create a YAML file for the KSM service account and ClusterRoleBinding using the following YAML:


apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: ksm-admin
  namespace: kube-system
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  name: ksm-cluster-admin
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: cluster-admin
  - kind: ServiceAccount
    name: ksm-admin
    namespace: kube-system

Apply as follows

$ kubectl apply -f ksm-sa.yml

6. You need a cluster credential file to register and set default Kubernetes clusters that is done as follows

export kube_config="/Users/papicella/.kube/config"

cluster=`grep current $kube_config|sed "s/ //g"|cut -d ":" -f 2`

echo "Using cluster $cluster"

export server=`grep -B 2 "name: $cluster" $kube_config \
  |grep server|sed "s/ //g"|sed "s/^[^:]*://g"`

export certificate=`grep -B 2 "name: $cluster" $kube_config \
  |grep certificate|sed "s/ //g"|sed "s/.*://"`

export secret_name=$(kubectl get serviceaccount ksm-admin \
   --namespace=kube-system -o jsonpath='{.secrets[0].name}')

export secret_val=$(kubectl --namespace=kube-system get secret $secret_name \
   -o jsonpath='{.data.token}')

export secret_val=$(echo ${secret_val} | base64 --decode)

cat > cluster-creds.yaml << EOF
token: ${secret_val}
server: ${server}
caData: ${certificate}

echo ""
echo "ready to roll!!!!"
echo ""

Before running this script it's best to make sure you have targeted the correct K8s cluster you wish to. You can run a command as follows to verify that

$ kubectl config current-context
7. Now we have a "cluster-creds.yaml" file we can go ahead and register the Kubernetes cluster with KSM as follows

$ ksm cluster register ksm-svcs ./cluster-creds.yaml
$ ksm cluster set-default ksm-svcs

Verify as follows:

$ ksm cluster list
CLUSTER NAME IP ADDRESS                                      DEFAULT
ksm-svcs true

8. Now we can go ahead and create a Marketplace offering for MySQL. To do that we will use the Bitnami MySQL chart as shown below

$ git clone
$ cd ./charts/bitnami/mysql

** create bind.yaml as follows which is required so our service binding from Tanzu Application Service will inject the right JSON we are expecting or requiring at bind time **

$ cat bind.yaml
template: |
  local filterfunc(j) = std.length(std.findSubstr("mysql", > 0;
  local s1 = std.filter(filterfunc, $.services);
    hostname: s1[0].status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip,
    name: s1[0].name,
    jdbcUrl: "jdbc:mysql://" + self.hostname + "/my_db?user=" + self.username + "&password=" + self.password + "&useSSL=false",
    uri: "mysql://" + self.username + ":" + self.password + "@" + self.hostname + ":" + self.port + "/my_db?reconnect=true",
    password: $.secrets[0].data['mysql-root-password'],
    port: 3306,
    username: "root"

$ helm package .
# cd ..
$ ksm offer save ./mysql ./mysql/mysql-6.14.7.tgz

Verify MySQL is now part of the offer list as follows
$ ksm offer list
rabbitmq        	rabbitmq       	6.18.1 	[persistent ephemeral]
mysql           	mysql          	6.14.7 	[default]

9. Now we need to login as an ADMIN user

Verify you are logged in as admin user using the CF CLI:

$ cf target
api endpoint:
api version:    2.151.0
user:           admin
org:            system
space:          development

10. At this point you can see the KSM service broker registered with TAS4K8s as follows

$ cf service-brokers
Getting service brokers as admin...

name   url

11. Enable access to the MySQL service as follows

$ cf enable-service-access mysql

Verify it's enabled:

$ cf service-access
Getting service access as admin...
broker: KSM
   service    plan         access   orgs
   mysql      default      all
   rabbitmq   ephemeral    all
   rabbitmq   persistent   all

12. At this point it's best to log out of admin and log back in as a user that is not admin

$ cf target
api endpoint:
api version:    2.151.0
user:           pas
org:            apples-org
space:          development

13. Create a MySQL service as follows. I passing in some JSON to indicate that my K8s cluster support's a LoadBalancer type so use that as part of the creation of the service.

$ cf create-service mysql default pas-mysql -c '{"service":{"type":"LoadBalancer"}}'

14. Check that the service has created correctly it will take a few minutes

$ cf services
Getting services in org apples-org / space development as pas...

name        service    plan        bound apps          last operation     broker   upgrade available
pas-mysql   mysql      default     my-springboot-app   create succeeded   KSM      no

15. Your service is created in it's own K8s namespace BUT that may not be the case at some point. 
$ kubectl get all -n ksm-2e526124-11a3-4d38-966c-b3ffd45471d7
NAME                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/k-wqo5mubw-mysql-master-0   1/1     Running   0          15d
pod/k-wqo5mubw-mysql-slave-0    1/1     Running   0          15d

NAME                             TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP     PORT(S)          AGE
service/k-wqo5mubw-mysql         LoadBalancer   3306:30563/TCP   15d
service/k-wqo5mubw-mysql-slave   LoadBalancer   3306:31982/TCP   15d

NAME                                       READY   AGE
statefulset.apps/k-wqo5mubw-mysql-master   1/1     15d
statefulset.apps/k-wqo5mubw-mysql-slave    1/1     15d

16. At this point we can now test our new MySQL service we created and use a Spring Boot application to test this out with. 

The following GitHub repo can be used for that. Ignore the steps to create a service as you have already done that

Finally to define service plans see the link below

More Information

Container Services Manager(KSM)

Tanzu Application Service for Kubernetes

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